Straatkunst - Xuhui dist.

Streetart - Xuhui dist.

街头艺术 -徐汇区

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日期/datum/date: (06-23)

Commercial mural close to the Jacquemus shop in the street.


日期/datum/date: (06-23)

Painting on a wall of a residential area in the street. Background of the picture shows the Bund in Shanghai.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路东兰路路口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "lucky fishes in rainbow lake"; artist: FEAT (Russia - China). Made in November 2020. Colorful scene of fish swimming in a lake.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路东兰路路口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "爱老虎油" (love tiger painting); artist:聂晓宇 (Nie Xiaoyu) (China); made in November 2020. The painting encourages everyone to truly say "love": express love, understand love, respect love.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "万物有灵" (Animism); artist: 王帅 (Wang Shuai) (China); made in November 2020. This type of mural reflects a thinking about the world after the covid epidemic. It points to a new understanding of life.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 东兰路69号
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "在路上" (on the road); artist: 曹唯 (Anne Wei) (China); made in November 2020. This mural is part of a triptych, which has sports and health as its theme: run for your health, run for survival, run for honor.

  • Shanghai

上海市,徐汇区, 东兰路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: children from the neighborhood; made in November 2020; This wall is a collection of the drawings made by the children from the neighborhood on the occasion of the second phase of this Gumei project.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "生如夏花" (born like a summer flower); artist: 姚品 (Yao Pin) (China); made in November 2020; The mural shows beautiful flowers that have a short life. Enjoy the beauty in life.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "young"; artist: 陈剑生+空行艺术团队 (Chen Jiansheng + Empty Line Art team) (China); made in November 2020. The work consists mainly of letters, waves and colored bands of light.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Morecrew (China); created in November 2020. Random lines and colors symbolize the carrying capacity of what these elements can mean to the human eye.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "梦" (dream); artist: PANK (China); made in November 2020. The mural depicts cracking paint spray cans resulting in a landscape dominated by a tiger and birds. An illustration that dreams can be very resourceful.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "swimming pool"; artist: VAN(??); made in November 2020. An unusual view of a swimming pool.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "Hope"; artist: Echo (China); made in November 2020. The word "HOPE" in large colored letters is painted on a white background.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "滤后" (After Filtering); artist: 舒舒X鹏鹏 (ShuShu x PengPeng) (China);created in November 2020. The female figure on the left represents Artemis (= representative of nature). The figure on the right represents a robot (= symbol of technical development). Nature in the middle needs protection.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "共生城市" (symbiotic city); artist: 曹昌禹 (Cao Changyu) (China); created in November 2020. The work combines natural ecology and urban symbiosis to discover the symbiotic city. Urban characteristics reinforce this quest.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "Covid"; artist: MAX_GPS (Shanghai-based); made in November 2020; The drawing depicts the artist's favorite figure battling viruses.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "送子凤凰" (send the child Phoenix); artists: L+ L(林祐纬+王略) (China);created in November 2020. The phoenix symbolizes bringing hope and harmony to local communities.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Dezio (France); made in November 2020.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "嘻哈脸谱" (hip hop Facebook); artist: 刘闻睿 (Liu Wenrui) (China); created in November 2020. The work uses Chinese-style graffiti and hip-hop to represent traditional Chinese masks through the combination of abstraction and design.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "乘风破浪" (plough the waves); artist: 郑元无(Zheng Yuanwu) (China); created in November 2020. The depicted effigies read like the hand of a god.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "The orchestra"; artist: unknown; created in November 2020; The scene is reminiscent of the music group on the Titanic.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "cat"; artist: unknown; created in November 2020. A simple mural of a cat who has noticed something.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: unknown; created in November 2020.


上海市,徐汇区, 古美路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Feat (Russia); created in November 2020. The mural depicts pelicans against a colorful background.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 田林路
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "慢森活" (slow forest live); artist: 曹唯 (Cai Wei) (China); created in July 2021. This mural is part of a series that depicts young people living in a healthy and environment-friendly city. The series aims to ensure that a healthy environment in cities is needed.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 田林路
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "万物有灵" (Animism); artist: 王帅 (Wang Shuai) (China); created in July 2021. This painting is part of a series that draws attention to a new way of thinking about the world after the covid-19 epidemic.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 苍梧路39号
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "flower girl"; artist: Dezio (France); created in July 2021. The mural depicts a young girl overwhelmed by nature. She plays with a parrot that feels safe in her hands. The idea is that we have to take care of nature.

  • Shanghai

上海市,徐汇区, 苍梧路39号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: MAX-GPS (Shanghai-based); created in July 2021. A girl with a helmet hovers over flowers and plants.


上海市,徐汇区, 苍梧路16号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "捉迷藏" (hide-and-seek); artist: Morecrew (China); created in July 2021. This mural is part of a triptych that prompts viewers to find the secret places in the characters' jerseys.


上海市,徐汇区, 苍梧路43号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "夏之梦" (summer dream); artist: MAX-GPS (Shanghai-based); created in July 2021. With rich colors and random lines, the mural shows the reality of a dream.


上海市,徐汇区, 宜山路710-1号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural shows a space landscape with planets, rockets and astronauts.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 宜山路710-2号
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "空间嬉戏" (space frolic); artist: MAX-GPS (Shanghai-based); created in November 2021. The mural is part of a larger mural depicting a surreal universe.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市,徐汇区, 宜山路710-10号
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "簇拥五彩生活" (surrounded by colorful life); artists: GAS (China), PANK (China), ECHO (China); created in November 2021. The mural depicts a world of color and entertainment

  • Shanghai

上海市,徐汇区, 宜山路710-2号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural shows a space landscape with planets, rockets and astronauts.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Several murals can be found in this neighborhood. The subjects differ from each other.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: unknown; created in December 2021. The mural shows a female figure dressed in a blue dress. The figure is apparently sleeping in the open nature.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "生活很简单,只是我们坚持把它搞复杂"(Life is simple, but we insist on complicating it); artist: MAX-GPS (Shanghai-based); Created in December 2021.De drawing shows the artist's favorite figure playing a game.


上海市,徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "虎虎生威" (forge ahead with the vigor and vitality of the tiger); artist: Shige (China); created in January 2022. A colorful tiger head that looks straight ahead.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "虽然无法改变方向,但我可以调整我的帆船" (although I couldn't change the direction, I was able to adjust my sailboat); artist: MAX-GPS (Shanghai-based); created in December 2021. The central figure in the drawing is sailing.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: 王帅 (Wang Shuai) (China); created in December 2021. This mural draws attention to a new way of thinking about the world after the covid-19 epidemic.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "晨蔓" (morning vine); artist: gas (China); signed on January 1, 2022. The scene shows a colorful background with a pigeon at the center of the drawing.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "留住色彩" (retain color); artist: Gantz (U.S.); created in December 2021.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "引鸟" (guide a bird); artist: Gantz (U.S.); created in December 2021.


上海市, 徐汇区, 漕宝路235号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled (left to right): "城-堡" (city-fortress), "城-家" (city-family), ""草甸上的小白花" (small white flowers on a meadow); artists (left to right): 王珏 (Wang Jue)(China)), 王珏 (Wang Jue) (China), 张海浪 (Zhang Hailiang) (CHina); created in December 2021.


上海市, 徐汇区, 永嘉路335号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Dezio (France), urban art united. Mural depicting butterflies and flowers is painted on the courtyard of a local restaurant.


上海市, 徐汇区, 文定路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: unknown. This mural depicts subjects from space travel.


上海市, 徐汇区, 文定路218号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Banana Wang (王香蕉) (China). Colored drawing at the entrance of a shop in the painters street.


上海市, 徐汇区, 文定路画家街C108
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: unknown. Colored drawing applied to the rear of the painters street.


上海市, 徐汇区, 乌鲁木齐路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

A combined painting with the children's figures painted on the wall while the bike is real.


上海市, 徐汇区, 陕西南路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Jazzy (China). The mural features a colorful landscape that covers two sides of the grocery store. Bright contrasting colors make the whole a fascinating viewing piece for passers-by.


上海市, 徐汇区, 淮海中路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Colorful elephant head affixed above the entrance of a restaurant.


上海市, 徐汇区, 淮海中路1480号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Various drawings and motifs on the playground of a school.


上海市, 徐汇区, 淮海中路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Various drawings and motifs on the wall of a library.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 罗秀路683号, 舒乐小区
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Titled: "Numen of the spiritual homeland"; artist: Kenji Chai (Malaysia); Painted in 2018. The painting portrays a woman wearing a traditional Chinese qipao robe. On her head she carries a bonsai tree, a Japanese crane and flying koi fish.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 罗秀路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    The fence around this residential area is decorated with embossed drawings, which promote various activities: playing sports, playing music, singing, etc.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 徐汇区,沪闵路辅路
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

This utility box is painted with a nature scene.


上海市, 徐汇区, 桂林西路
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

Paintings at the entrance of this residential area are intended to make the residential area more attractive.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 桂林西街
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    The local sports complex is painted with drawings of children playing. The bars in front of the windows on the street side show striking colour combinations.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区,浦北路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    The utility boxes in this street are painted with landscapes and texts linked to the 24 "solar terms", which are based on the position of the sun in the zodiac. These terms were created by farmers in ancient China.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 徐汇区,桂林西街
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

Simple drawing on a utility box near a school.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区,桂林西街
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    This pillar near a school is painted with animals and plants. A sleeping fox is the central part of the drawing.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 瑞金南路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    An eye-catching bench on the edge of the street. The bench looks like a book with pages. The drawings in the book depict everyday scenes.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 瑞金南路3号
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Children of this residential area have embellished the walls of their residential area with drawings and texts.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 乐山路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Panels and text boards on the wall provide a historical overview of the company's activities in the building.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 乐山路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Decorations have been applied to the wall surrounding this residential area.

  • Shanghai

上海市,徐汇区, 乐山路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Decorations have been applied to the wall surrounding this residential area.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区,广元西路40
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Two different wall decorations in concept and materials: light colours versus dark colours; paper versus plastic.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 天平路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Stained glass windows of this building are painted with Peko figures, a rabbit girl persona that is closely associated with the VTuber Usada Pekora.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 天平路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Created in December 2013. The façade and windows of this shop are painted and hung with figures of people who are alone (i.e. "single person"). The building serves as a store for the "single person" brand, which was founded in 2019.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 长乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Emblem of the clothing and vintage chain "chill since 1993" is painted on a wall of this store.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 徐汇区, 长乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Artist: XER (China - Shanghai). As can be observed in this graffiti, the artist enjoys painting graffiti by twisting the rhythm and order of letters.

  • Shanghai