Straatkunst - Pudong dist.

Streetart - Pudong dist.

街头艺术 -浦东新区

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  • Shanghai

    上海市,浦东新区, 香楠路
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Titled: "Childhood dream"; artist: Millo (Italy); created in April 2016. Goldfish are a symbol of wealth in Chinese culture. They also share the notion that everyone can achieve what they want to achieve.

  • Shanghai

上海市,浦东新区, 浦城路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "晨日摘花" (picking flowers in the morning); artist: Daas (US); painted in 2018.


上海市,浦东新区, 浦城路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "BIRDMAN & SKYE & candy flower"; artist: FELIX_勺子 (FELIX_Spoon, China); painted in July 2021, as part of the "为爱上色" Art+ project. The mural uses graphics and colors that serve as an expression of emotions.


上海市, 浦东新区, 陆家嘴西路168号正大广场
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural on the top floor of this shop building.


上海市, 浦东新区, 浦东南路与世纪大道辅路交叉口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "星梦"(star dream); artists: local painters. This mural is located in the courtyard of a residential area and is part of the "为爱上色" (color love) project. The mural is thirty meters long and made in May 2023.


上海市, 浦东新区, 浦东南路与世纪大道辅路交叉口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

This mural shows part of the "星梦" (star dream) mural on the courtyard of a residential area, as described above.


上海市, 浦东新区, 即墨路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "拥" (possession); artist: Sheep Chen (China); Painted in May 2018. This painting is based on a Chinese saying ("静如处子,动若脱兔" - "quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit) and shows a little girl with a bunny in her arms, symbolizing the harmonious bond between humans and animals. A mountainous landscape can be seen in the background..


上海市, 浦东新区, 崂山路332号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural is a sketch of a building.


上海市, 浦东新区, 崂山路334号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mascot of a local food distributor is pictured here on a moped coming out of the wall.


上海市, 浦东新区, 沈家弄路790号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artist: Rustam (Russia) (left mural); Vance DNA (China, Shanghai) (right mural); painted in 2018. Contrasting graffiti style in the same street.


上海市, 浦东新区, 沈家弄路790号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "生命的奇迹,梦入极光" (the miracle of life, dream into the aurora): artist: Vance DNA (袁骁) (Shanghai, China); painted in 2018. The mural is part of the "为爱上色" (color love) project. Baby penguins snuggle in the arms of Emperor Penguin Daddy, waiting for their mother to return from predation.


上海市, 浦东新区, 民生路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Titled: "吹泡泡的男孩" (the boy who blows bubbles); artist: Rustam (Russia); painted in 2018. In the boy's eyes, the colorful bubbles are a series of toys. Children have great imagination and see beauty everywhere.


上海市, 浦东新区, 浦东南路三航小区
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "守护" (protector); artist: Animalitoland (Argentina). The mural depicts the sense of security we had as children in our parents' arms. A small embrace can show endless love.


上海市, 浦东新区, 崂山路二村
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "无限的爱!" (infinite love); artist: Wellington Naberezny Sipros (Brazil). The mural shows that in the hearts of children everything is good and that there is no danger in their world. In the midst of evil events, they see goodness.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 商城路福山路路口
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "百纳&BANNER"; artist: Louis Masis (UK); painted in June 2017.. The mural hopes to raise awareness for endangered species. The text on the mural reads "protect the endangered red panda" and shows a bee repairing a cloth doll. Much of the painting is hampered by vegetation.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 东方路880号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Mural on the lower part of a glass wall. A nature scene is shown with the animals in colors while the plants are shown in grayish colors.


上海市, 浦东新区, 浦电路338号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Simple mural in shades of blue to beautify the street.


上海市, 浦东新区, 乳山路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Several murals have been painted on the wall around the walking park.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 东方路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "Infinite love"; artist: Wellington Naberezny (aka Sipros) (Brazil); painted in September 2017. This mural is part of the "为爱上色" (colors love) project and is six stories high. She shows the artist's character "big ears" with a bear hat on the head and surrounded by floating rainbow hearts. Children are the source of inspiration for his drawings and paintings.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区 崇山西路49号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Colorful drawings of stars and other sky bodies on the wall surrounding an office building.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 潍坊路浦电路路口
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "仲夏夜之梦" (a midsummer night's dream); artist: PIGB (Macao)。 This mural is part of the "为爱上色" (colors love) project and covers the entire façade of the building. The mural symbolizes the experience of happy moments from childhood to which everyone can return.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 唐乔璐
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "新24孝图" (new 24 filial pieties). A series of drawings that highlights the relationships between children and parents and how children should behave towards the parents.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 蓝天路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Artist: SATR (China). Panel with a large dragon head shields Tesla's electric charging space.


上海市, 浦东新区, 金湘路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Poster on the street recommending the services of a local hair stylist.


上海市, 浦东新区, 浦泽路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Classical Chinese drawings with text adorn the wall around this residential area.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 长岛路1280弄1-78号
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Artists: most likely local residents of the apartments. Colorful drawings of various fruits and vegetables are applied to the walls of this apartment building.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 台儿庄路355号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "锦鸡报寿"(golden pheasant announces life); artist: Majilina (Italy); painted in the summer of 2018. The painting covers the entire façade and is four stories high. The artist has incorporated Chinese values into this painting: the pheasant symbolizes beauty and prosperity; the pear flower stands for longevity.


上海市, 浦东新区, 白杨路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "新生代对环保的思考" (the new generation thinks of protecting the environment); artist: OZMO (Italy). The drawing shows a boy looking at the horizon while thinking of a happy scene of a ship sailing on a calm sea. Dolphins, fish, and turtles swim around the ship.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 静安东路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "蓝图" (blueprint); artist: RAY (China). The mural shows a child playing with a Lego on his way to school. The vision of the future is bulging out of his school suitcases. The painting symbolizes the imagination of children against a background of rapid change.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,东方路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Nature scenes are painted on the concrete demarcation next to the road. Plants and animals are drawn and painted in soft colours. The whole is an embellishment of the side of the road and connects with the vegetation.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 东方路, 浦电路331弄
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "troubadours"; artist: DULK (Spain); painted in May 2018. The mural depicts illustrative creatures in vibrant hues depicting a group of itinerant musicians

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 香楠路 295号
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "坚持到底" (hold out to the end); artist: ROC (Spain); painted in 2017. The painting shows a child drawn as a panda. The panda is a symbol of fun and represents the image of China.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 张江镇青桐路2号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Sewer cover in this residential area is painted with simple motifs.


上海市, 浦东新区, 青桐路 18弄
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "Concern & Love"; artist: DZIA (Belgium); painted in 2017. The drawing shows two red-crowned cranes clinging to each other and whispering softly. The red-crowned crane has the meaning of prosperity, longevity and loyalty in Chinese culture.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,张江路718号
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "童年回忆的探险" (an adventure of childhood memories); artist: Bane&Pest (Switzerland). The drawing shows a humorous scene of a bird sitting in a sled and coming down the mountain.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 华东路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Artist: Rula (China). This mural is part of the "为爱上色" (color love) project. The whole shows a bouquet of colorful flowers.


上海市, 浦东新区, 塘镇中学东北门旁
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "未来的智慧与力量" (the wisdom and power of the future); artist: Jerry Rugg (Canada); created in 2018. The drawing is painted on a school building and depicts an elephant. The elephant symbolizes wisdom and strength, which we hope children will also develop.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 申江路辅路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "未来会是什么样" (what the future looks like); artist: Bart Smates (Belgium); created in 2017. The drawing shows a boy looking at something in the distance. What he is looking at is not in the drawing. The question remains what he sees.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 老安路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Wall with drawings and texts expressing social values and feelings.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 孙环路高木桥路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "好猩情" (good mood); artist: ANO (TAiwan); created in June 2017. The message of this painting is that chimpanzees, like children, need space to be themselves and to grow.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Simple drawing on an electrical box. Trees and plants adorn the cabinet, which is in keeping with the natural environment.


上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

The mural is part of a long series of scenes painted on a platform in the "前滩“ (new bund) park. A deer in a forest is depicted here.


上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A long mural has been painted on a wall in the "前滩“ (new bund) park. A landscape with trees and water is shown.


上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A long mural has been painted on a wall in the "前滩“ (new bund) park. A landscape with trees and animals is shown.


上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Simple drawing on an electrical box. Trees and plants adorn the cabinet, which is in keeping with the natural environment.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 前滩大道 东岸绿道
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Children from schools in the area have made these drawings and coloured them. This was part of a project to beautify the "前滩" (new bund) park.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 海阳西路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Car is painted with Pokemon figures.


上海市, 浦东新区, 江耀路122弄
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Commercial space is painted with varying scenes.


上海市, 浦东新区,东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here a water landscape.


上海市, 浦东新区,东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here a water landscape.


上海市, 浦东新区,东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a roe deer.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

In the park there are benches that take the form of a roof with windows.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a mother sheep with her little one.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a hare in a forest.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a panda bear.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a squirrel.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here herons。


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here an eagle and a dolphin.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's an underwater scene.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a female figure.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a cat.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a dog.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a frog.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here two orcas.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a cat.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here are two seahorses.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Murals on the footpath and on the wall along the river.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a rhinoceros.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here are two seals.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

The mural on the administrative building of the park depicts a simple park landscape.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Commemorative plaque detailing the project.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here are two seals.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's a koala.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here's an elephant.


上海市, 浦东新区, 东岸绿道
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A series of murals on the east side of the 黄浦江 (Huangpu River) is more than a kilometer long. Landscapes and animals vary. Here is the beginning of the series of murals with the boy and the key.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 海泉街
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: Titled: "水娃儿" (water baby); artist: Chuck (China/Taiwan - USA); Made in the summer of 2017. The mural is inspired by a Chinese work and depicts a sleeping girl surrounded by nine dragons leaning on top of each other. This symbolizes the harmony between humans and nature.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区, 沪南公路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Small mural in the shape of a mirror on an interior wall.


上海市, 浦东新区,沪南公路7481号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Charging stations for electric cars are personalised with their own murals.


上海市, 浦东新区, 申江南路辅路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A somewhat dilapidated mural in the countryside that was dedicated to the beauty of the countryside.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 浦明路润茂路路口
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Titled: "小小" (small); artist: Bao Ho (China - Hong Kong); painted in May 2017. The mural is part of the "为爱上色" (color love) ART+ project. Various animals and little girls are depicted in this mural, which stands out for its wide range of colors.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 浦明路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    The murals on the wall around the residential area were most likely made by students from the school in the area. The paintings are dedicated to Chinese holidays and annual festivities.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,东岸绿道
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Sewer covers, water systems, and electrical connections are embellished with simple drawings and eye-catching color patterns.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,浦明路浦电路路口
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    The area was qualified by local and city governments as a unit to be protected. Various measures and decisions were taken to preserve the uniqueness of the region.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,张家浜路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Murals refer to the uniqueness of the neighbourhood and the daily activities that took place in the near past.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,浦东南路, 桥下
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Murals have been painted in the galleries under the bridge over the river (south bank). The intention was to beautify the space so that local residents could stay there during hot summer days.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,浦东南路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Murals have been painted to embellish the walkway on the north bank.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,浦东南路, 桥下
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Murals have been painted in the galleries under the bridge over the river (north bank). The intention was to beautify the space so that local residents could stay there during hot summer days.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 浦东新区,浦电路
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

Paintings at the entrance of this residential area are intended to make the residential area more attractive.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 洛阳路2100号 -洛阳路地铁站
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Titled: "Malaga love Shanghai"; artist: Eduardo Luc (stage name: Lalone) (Spain); painted in December 2023. The large-scale mural combines iconic landscapes of Malaga and Shanghai, but also includes references to the Málaga artist Picasso and cubist inspiration. Combining Shanghai's cityscape with Málaga's Andalusian flair, this mural highlights the connection between Málaga and Chinese culture.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 东方路810号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Artist: Lucky (aka Lucky Rabbit) (U.S.). A small building is painted over with letters and planes in different colors.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 世纪大道760号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    The low wall around this building complex is covered with tiles of different shapes and different colors. The whole gives the impression of a painted wall.

  • Shanghai

上海市,浦东新区, 川沙路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Utility boxes in the street are painted with futuristic scenes and slogans.


上海市,浦东新区, 川沙路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Utility boxes in the street are painted with futuristic scenes and slogans.


上海市,浦东新区,新 川沙路182-184号
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Excerpts on the concrete placard clarify the content of the text.


日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Billboard at the entrance of a play area for board games.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区,新川路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Landscapes painted on this department store contribute to the beautification of the streetscape.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 川沙路5088号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Utility boxes in the street are painted with educational scenes and slogans that aim to make traffic safer.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 川沙路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Slogans and graphic structures make these utility boxes more attractive and eye-catching in the streetscape.

  • Shanghai

上海市,浦东新区, 翔川路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A mural depicting a high-speed train can be found at this intersection.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 浦东新区, 川沙路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Utility boxes are painted with scenes that refer to space travel. Such drawings are common on utility boxes.

  • Shanghai

上海市,浦东新区, 川沙路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Simple painting on a utility box. Landscapes are preferred for such paintings.


上海市,浦东新区, 川沙路5590号
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Effigy of Lotso (or Lots-o-Huggin' Bear) is painted on this car. Lotso is one of the main characters in "Toy Story 3".