Straatkunst - Jing'an dist.

Streetart - Jing'an dist.

街头艺术 -静安区

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日期/datum/date: (03-23)

Small drawing of a rabbit at the entrance to a small shop.


上海市,静安区, 茂名北路
日期/datum/date: (05-23)

Murals on façade of restaurant to promote products


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

As part of a urban renewal project, plain walls were painted in February 2022 to enliven the area. Murals cover street scenes in front of commercial buildings, shops, and other outlets. Also famous locations and buildings of Shanghai are depicted in more murals in the street.


上海市,静安区, 新闸路518号
日期/datum/date: (07-23)

As part of a urban renewal project, plain walls were painted in February 2022 to enliven the area. Murals cover street scenes in front of commercial buildings, shops, and other outlets. Also famous locations and buildings of Shanghai are depicted in more murals in the street.


上海市,静安区, 新闸路
日期/datum/date: (07-23)

Painted in February 2022, the mural depicts people from the 1980s and 1990s picking up different products in a traditional department store.


上海市,静安区, 新闸路518号
日期/datum/date: (07-23)

Painted in February 2022. The mural depicts a man walks out of a Siberian Fur Store - one of the most reputable fur stores in Shanghai back in the 1920s and 1930s - with a new purchase, while a man and a woman walking hand in hand pass by window displays of new arrivals.


上海市,静安区, 南北高架路
日期/datum/date: (07-23)

Titled: " 追随与奋斗“ (Follow and strive); artist: 将铁骊 (Jiang Tieli). Figurines show a leader followed by workers who strive to realize their goal.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

Classical painting on a street wall.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. The mural depicts a lady leaving a pastry shop.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. The mural shows people biking and running in the streets.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. The mural shows people exercising in the street to keep fit.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. The mural shows a boy buying something from a vending machine, while the man and woman have a conversation.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. A door on the right is opened and a boy is making his homework in the street, what was common a that time. A couple is passing by on a bicycle.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. In this mural, a little girl picks vegetables in the patio, while other children are playing in the street.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. The doors in this mural are standard doors for "Shikumen" houses in Shanghai. A man pulls a rickshaws with a woman in the seat. One can also see the inside of a room in the window. Postboxes were also common in the streets of Shanghai.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. This painting shows a woman using a basket from upstairs to buy small ravioli. At that time, people selling wontons and other foodstuff sold their products by walking through the streets.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. This mural shows the Magnolia barber shop, with a couple in front of it. The man wears a suit and a hat, while the woman wears a cheongsam. The painted window curtains are almost the same as real curtains.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. In this painting, a young man and woman are talking to each other, while the man pushes a bicycle. Th dress of the girl points to a period before the thirties.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. This mural depicts a young mother with child at the door of a Shikumen house. The little boy wears suit shorts with suspenders. Behind the black gate, you can see the grille.


日期/datum/date: (07-23)

This mural is part of posters on the exterior wall of this old lane, depicting the scenes of Shanghai city life in the last century. These wall paintings shows the 30-40s, 50-70s, 80s to the present. This mural shows the Magnolia barber shop, with a couple in front of it. The man wears a suit and a hat, while the woman wears a cheongsam.


日期/datum/date: (06-23)

A simple painting on an outside wall of a building in this street.


上海市,静安区, 康定路727号
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Colorful setting at entrance to a local drinking establishment. Different types of fruit and vegetables are interwoven in the drawing.


上海市,静安区, 常德路
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Colorful motif to make electricity cabin more beautiful. Motif is composed of different blue colors and is adapted to the environment.


上海市,静安区, 康定路554号
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Nature motif on the walls of a local waste center to make the building more beautiful.


上海市,静安区, 常德路235号
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Murals on a wall around a construction site. The wall was erected to hide the view of the construction site and will certainly disappear when the works are completed.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,静安区, 康定路
    日期/datum/date: (08-23)

    Murals on a wall around a construction site. The wall was erected to hide the view of the construction site and will certainly disappear when the works are completed.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,静安区, 西康路
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Drawings and colors have been applied to make this waste collection building more beautiful and attractive.


上海市,静安区, 常德路251号
日期/datum/date: (08-23)

Electricity cabins are painted over with motifs that bring out alternative and green energy sources.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

This mural on a building combines different scenes. Birds, airplanes, female figures and women with wings can be seen. The connection between the different scenes is not clear.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

This mural on a building in the street shows mostly sea creatures. A cityscape emerges behind the large sea creature while a human figure accompanies the sea creature.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large drawing of a strange creature on a building.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

This mural depicts people and sea creatures in a watery environment. Part of the drawing is damaged while another part is hidden from view by foliage of trees and shrubs.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural shows a large wing of a butterfly. Most of the drawing is not visible through the foliage.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

The mural depicts a wetland environment where people ride marine animals.


上海市, 静安区, 灵石路795号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural on the wall of a school. The simple drawings have an educational capacity.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. The murals are the result of an art project organized by the local authorities.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. The murals cover the wall around the local communities over a length of hundreds of meters, between the ”汶水路" and "广中西路". Pisces as a symbol of joy and wealth are part of several themes.


上海市, 静安区, 彭越浦路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. Owls in this mural show various facial expressions corresponding to their role in Chinese tradition as conveyers of good and bad energy.


上海市, 静安区, 灵石路801号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019.This mural shows people and animals together in a natural environment.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777弄18号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. In this mural fish are "humanized" and show human behavior.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777弄18号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. This large mural shows people riding on sea creatures.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777弄18号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019.A striking mural painted upside down.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777号88号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. This mural shows different birds in different phases of flight.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777弄-2-c
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. Detail of a mural in which two people play chess.


上海市, 静安区, 广东西路777弄
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Artists: students of the "Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts"; created in November 2019. A view of the murals from the other end of the street.


上海市, 静安区, 大田路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Mural depicts simple scenes in a coffee shop. What is striking is that a robot acts as a waiter.


上海市, 静安区, 大田路500-6号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large mural that brings out different elements of Chinese culture.


上海市, 静安区, 大田路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

A scene in a pharmacy from the thirties of the last century is depicted in this mural. The long clothes worn by the men and the hat worn by the clerk of the shop indicate this period.


上海市, 静安区, 武定路2楼
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Simple drawings on the shutters of this building. Children are the central figures in these drawings.


上海市, 静安区, 武定路1102号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

A mural with a flame in the middle and the Chinese character "火" (fire) around it.


上海市, 静安区, 武定路1104号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Murals on this building are dedicated to cats and dogs.


上海市, 静安区, 南京西路762号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Paintings applied to the windows of the Starbucks Reserve Roastery, Starbucks first coffee roaster overseas.


上海市, 静安区, 梅园路汉中路路口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Embellished electricity building. The geometric blocks greatly increase the feel of the design.


上海市, 静安区, 光复路恒通路路口
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Painted in July-August 2023. The mural shows a tree with various animals around it: a giraffe, birds, and a squirrel. The mural is illuminated in the dark to create special effect


上海市, 静安区, 昌平路868号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Murals on a building next to a sports field. Different sports are represented in these paintings.


上海市, 静安区, 昌平路888-9号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Murals on a building next to a sports field. Different sports are represented in these paintings.


上海市, 静安区, 延平路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

White-blue drawings on this wall alternate with white-black cityscapes.


上海市, 静安区, 昌平路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

City views are elaborated in black and white patterns.


上海市, 静安区, 昌平路990号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Simple scenery on this phone case.


上海市, 静安区, 余姚路55号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Large mural with a colorful floral motif at the entrance of a restaurant complex. The mural completely covers the façade of the building.


上海市, 静安区, 余姚路55号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

The mural at the exit of a parking space is drawn in black and white tones and shows a floral motif.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 永和路14号
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Artists: local artists. Paintings applied to the hollows of trees, either on the wood or on concrete poured into the cavities for protection. Several trees in this street have been painted in this way.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 静安区, 万荣路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Titled: "Together". Mural with people and animal figures covering the entire façade of this building. The lines express the connection between the figures.


上海市, 静安区, 万荣路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Several simple murals on this wall of an industrial site.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 共和新路1555号-闸北公园
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Artists: local artists. Paintings applied to the hollows of trees, either on the wood or on concrete poured into the cavities for protection. Several trees in this park have been painted in this way.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市, 静安区, 平型关路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Landscapes are painted on the outer wall of this building. The entrance is clearly demarcated by these murals.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 临汾路380弄
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Caring for elderly citizens is the central theme of this painting that was applied to the façade of an apartment building.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 静安区, 新闸路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Painting-like drawings are applied to the bare walls in the street. The drawings show local street scenes.


上海市, 静安区, 恒丰路299号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Painted atmospheres with colorful floral motifs have been applied to beautify the walking path.


上海市, 静安区, 新丰路544号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Façade-sized commercial to promote the goods sold in the store.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 海防路
    日期/datum/date: (10-23)

    Titled: "同乐坊" (Tongle Fang); artist: unknown. The title refers to a particular area in the district that was subject to major changes. The area became one of 18 creative industry clusters in Shanghai. The girl symbolizes the great expectations in the coming developments.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 静安区, 余姚路74号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Colorful floral motif in the courtyard of the building that houses several restaurants.


上海市, 静安区, 余姚路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Flowers and butterflies are drawn on this wall to give the neighborhood a nicer view.


上海市, 静安区, 阳曲路975号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Drawing of a girl blowing soap bubbles. The drawing was applied to the wall of a public bathhouse to beautify the surroundings.


上海市, 静安区, 阳曲路975号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Drawing of a deer with colorful flowers in its horns. The drawing makes the environment more beautiful and attractive.


上海市, 静安区, 巨鹿路860号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Mural with different atmospheres and contrasting colours in the front garden of a shop. Meaning of the French word "ami" (friend) in the painting is unclear.


上海市, 静安区, 华山路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Various drawings and texts have been applied to the walls of these buildings. Political and historical events are the main subjects.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 安远路 (九龙花苑)
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Artist: MAX-GPS (USA). The mural is located at the entrance of a park. The characteristic astronaut floats between streamers, animals and refreshments.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 安远路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Simple drawing on a utility cabinet that calls for respect for traffic rules.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 静安区, 海防路538号
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

This mural with a simple street scene as subject has been painted on the facade of a supermarket.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 余姚路
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    This wall was originally covered with black waterproof paint. This was replaced by coloured waterproof paint to paint a pond full of koi fish on the wall.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市,静安区, 新闸路
    日期/datum/date: 1: (08-23) 2~3: (04-24)

    Drawings on this wall show various daily scenes in streets.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 华山路
    日期/datum/date: 1: (10-23) 2~4: (04-24)

    Artist: WOOJS (吴准少) (China); created in 2021 as part of the "为爱上色" (color love)project. The mural is painted on the wall of a nursery. A mother swallow feeds her young. Another swallow is painted on a low wall near the larger wall painting.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 华山路
    日期/datum/date: 1: (10-23) 2~3: (04-24)

    Drawings in relief form depict everyday scenes from an earlier time period in Shanghai.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,静安区, 茂名北路245弄
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

The Gucci advertisement on the wall will be replaced with a new mural. Must be followed up.


上海市,静安区, 陈家宅路18号
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A remarkable mural embellishes the entrance to this store. There is also a big difference between the front and back of the jeep.


上海市,静安区, 和田路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A long decoration on this wall combines different techniques into a whole. Color combinations are eye-catching with the aim of attracting the attention of passers-by.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 静安区, 富民路180号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    A rather simple view of the city was painted on this roller shutter. The whole shows a strong geometric approach to the landscape.

  • Shanghai