Straatkunst - Jiading dist.

Streetart - Jiading dist.

街头艺术 -嘉定区

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上海市, 嘉定区墨玉路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Long mural on a wall around a construction site. The drawing gives an idea of what the neighborhood will look like when the works are finished.


上海市, 嘉定区, 昌吉路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Artist: local artist appointed by the local government. This mural gives a picture of the future development of this district. Public transport, modern living spaces and green surroundings are central to the planning.


上海市, 嘉定区, 昌吉路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Artist: local artist appointed by the local government. This mural gives a picture of the future development of this district, in which attention is also paid to sports, relaxation, and health.


上海市, 嘉定区, 和静路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A sports square with murals whose message is in line with the government's plans for the district.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 陈家山路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    These murals emphasise the importance of scientific research. The effigies are intended to attract the attention of children and thus relate them to science.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 永靖路751-1号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    These murals can be found between the 胜竹路 and 平城路. The murals are 271 meters long and cover 86 walls. The colourful compositions make the cold grey and white wall instantly warm up and show a beautiful landscape.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,平城路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    These murals have an educational and informative character. Rules and applicable legislation are clarified for different age categories.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A metal construction to beautify the streetscape.


日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A sewer cover has been used to beautify the streetscape. The drawing depicts a flattened creature.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 沪宜公路辅路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Car tyres in different colours are fitted to the wall of this building. Figures from a comic strip are stuck into the car tires. The whole is protected from wind and weather.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 翔乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Murals on the wall around an industrial estate are dedicated to belief in and appreciation for technology and technical progress.

  • Shanghai

上海市,嘉定区, 翔乐路26号
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Classic murals depicting social and community messages and advice adorn the wall around this building complex.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 翔乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    The murals along the road are meant to beautify the neighborhood. The rural environment inspired these paintings, which also depict knowledge, progress, and self-confidence.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 翔乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Titled: "时时刻刻铭记在心" (Always remember in the heart). A strange clock on this wall is a unique reminder of the most important virtues and values that must be observed at all times

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 翔乐路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    This mural depicts one of the most important activities of the countryside: the harvesting of vegetables, fruits, and grains.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,嘉定区, 翔乐路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

A simple mural depicting a rooftop complex. The whole thing breaks the evenness of the wall.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 翔乐路287
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    The façade of this building was used to paint a landscape along a river. The bright colours of the landscape contrast sharply with the black-and-white colours of the building complex.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    A landscape painting decorates the entrance to this residential area.

  • Shanghai

上海市,嘉定区, 陈翔公路辅路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

This mural makes it clear where orders should be dropped. A simple drawing with a black cat in the window speaks for itself.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,嘉怡路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Striking towers have been built at the entrance and exit of this shopping complex. These stand out sharply against the surroundings.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,海波路118弄
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    The play area in this childcare center is painted with different motifs that are all related to the natural environment. However, the condition of the murals is worrying.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区, 解放岛东环路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    Texts at the entrance to this community underline the importance of unity for a fruitful harvest.

  • Shanghai

日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Texts and landscapes decorate this small building.


日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Murals in the form of portraits adorn the walls. The text on this painting calls for the application of waste rules.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,曹丰路318号
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    A stencil-like mural depicts a building complex with an eye-catching text, calling for unity of knowledge and practice for the population.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,曹丰路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    A waste room is painted with various slogans that emphasize a good harvest and healthy environment.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,年丰路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    On this street, a series of murals glorify the local community. Green mountains and green waters reflect the beauty of the countryside. Local girls also show the style of old Shanghai. However, the murals are in a disturbing state.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市, 嘉定区,星华公路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    A mural with the name of the community and a mountain landscape as a backdrop adorns the entrance to this community.

  • Shanghai