Straatkunst - Hongkou dist.

Streetart - Hongkou dist.

街头艺术 -虹口区

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上海市,虹口区, 平凉路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Various means of transport presented in iron on the wall of the metro station.


上海市,虹口区, 四川北路-鲁迅公园
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Historical scenes carved in stone in the Lu Xun park.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,虹口区, 甜爱路
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Murals behind glass walls on which people can write down their feelings about love and relationships.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,虹口区, 东体育会路380
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Drawing on a wall of a school.


上海市,虹口区, 东体育会路860号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Ironwork with nature motifs on a fence.


上海市,虹口区, 东体育会路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Martial art motif on a fence.


上海市,虹口区, 曲阳路800号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large drawing on the façade of a supermarket.

  • Shanghai

    上海市,虹口区, 中山北一路189号
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Wall plate with scenes from the works of Lu Xun.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

    上海市,虹口区, 花园路
    日期/datum/date: (09-23)

    Drawings on this fence are intended to draw attention to alternative and green energy sources and associated uses.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,虹口区, 景祥路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

The painting on the façade is related to the sports activities that can take place in the building. The building houses the "Dobe Sports LOFT creative park".


上海市,虹口区, 景祥路
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Color shades have been applied to the outer wall of the left building and to the bridge between the buildings. Soft colors have been used.


上海市, 虹口区, 曲阳路566号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large mural on an apartment building in the street showing a female figure with pigeons around her. Apparently a mosaic technique was used, i.e. small colored stones were used to compose the drawing.


上海市, 虹口区, 曲阳路566号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Two large paintings on two apartment buildings in the street showing boy figures with pigeons around them. The drawings are partially hidden from view by the foliage of the trees.


上海市, 虹口区, 曲阳路570号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large mural on an apartment building showing a hunched over boy figure. The figure is located in front of a yellow background around which pigeons fly.


上海市, 虹口区, 曲阳路550号
日期/datum/date: (09-23)

Large mural on an apartment building showing a boy figure with raised arms. The figure is located in an environment with colorful flowers and plants.


上海市, 虹口区, 东大名路500号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Geometric figures of plants in soft colors are applied to the dome of an underground space.


上海市, 虹口区, 大连路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Artist: unknown. This mural covers two sides of a metro station. A bird is drawn on one side while the other side is painted with indistinct silhouettes.


上海市, 虹口区, 玉田路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

A scene in a drinking establishment is one of the murals that can be found on a wall around a walking park.


上海市, 虹口区, 新市南路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Some examples of the paintings on the telephone cabinets in this street. All telephone cabinets are painted to make the neighborhood more beautiful and attractive.


上海市, 虹口区, 新市南路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

An example of an alternative painting of a telephone cabinet in the street. All the telephone cabinets in the street are painted to make the neighborhood more beautiful and attractive.


上海市, 虹口区, 辉河路
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Mural on a wall at the entrance of a food and beverage establishment. The scene is related to the business that is being done in the space inside.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 虹口区, 天宝路
    日期/datum/date: 1: (10-23) 2: (04-24)

    Black floral motif covers the wall of this building.

  • Shanghai

上海市, 虹口区, 唐山路921号
日期/datum/date: (10-23)

Simple drawing on the shutter of a shop.


上海市, 虹口区,中山北二路670号
日期/datum/date: (04-24)

Simple drawings with bright contrasting colors. Silhouettes are limited to the bare essentials

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 虹口区, 巴林路76号
    日期/datum/date: (04-24)

    Titled: "爱在虹口" (love in Hongkou). The murals were painted at the local marriage registration office.

  • Shanghai
  • Shanghai

上海市,虹口区, 大连路197号
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

Small tiles with leaf motifs are inlaid at the foot of the trees. This breaks the monotony of the black tiles.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 虹口区, 东大名路
    日期/datum/date: (05-24)

    This mural on the façade of a waste station depicts a large flower being watered by children. The calyx of the flower contains various animal species. The flower calyx is a symbol of the giving of life.

  • Shanghai

上海市,虹口区, 东大名路
日期/datum/date: (05-24)

This building in dark and light blue colors stands out very much in an environment that shows mainly red and light brown colors.

  • Shanghai

    上海市, 虹口区, 新建路隧道
    日期/datum/date: 1: (10-23) 2: (05-24)

    Artist: 刘小备(Liu Xiaobei) (China). This artwork consists of colored atmospheres and is part of the office complex in the "国际客运中心" (International passenger transport center).

  • Shanghai