Straatkunst - Chongqing

Streetart - Chongqing

街头艺术 - 重庆

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重庆市, 江北区,北滨二路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Titled: "自由,平等" (freedom, equality). Many utility boxes in the city are painted with landscape motifs. This cabinet is painted with flowers and plant motifs.


重庆市, 江北区,北滨二路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Many utility boxes in the city are painted with landscape motifs. This cabinet is painted with flowers and plant motifs.

  • Chongqing

    重庆市, 武隆区, 203省道
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The mural on the façade of this building was probably painted by a local artist. The building is located near a tourist attraction and the painting depicts a mountain landscape with rocks and waterfalls.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

重庆市, 武隆区, 翠云路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The mural on this building is overgrown with plants and other vegetation. The motif refers to a form of cubism with flattened volumes, cubes, spheres and cones. Shades of colour make these shapes stand out better.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A house in this row of houses breaks the pattern with a mural, depicting a daily scene.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The edge of this road is decorated with cubic shapes and shades of color that make the shapes stand out better. The whole reflects a cubist representation of a landscape.

  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝中区, 接圣街8号-重庆来福士
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    This panel provides a geographical view of the area. It consists of nine parts that are protected with glass. The background also shows a geographical pattern. The glass reflects the immediate surroundings.

  • Chongqing

重庆市,渝中区, 长江滨江路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Colorful painting with text and city views in a hallway of a building.


重庆市,渝中区, 嘉陵江滨江路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Billboard with bright contrasting colors on a retail space.


重庆市,南岸区, 涂山路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The side of the road is decorated with simple drawings of flowers and plants. The colors are somewhat pale and fuzzy.

  • Chongqing

    重庆市,南岸区, 涂山路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    A landscape with mountains, houses, and a lake embellishes the façade of this building. Light colours give the whole a special character in the neighbourhood.

  • Chongqing

重庆市,南岸区, 龙门路龙门浩交叉口
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A landscape in bright colors is painted on the shutter of this store. It is a classic landscape for this region with houses on different levels along the river.


重庆市,南岸区, 龙门路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This utility box is painted with a simple landscape. However, the color combination is such that it attracts the attention of passers-by.


重庆市,南岸区, 龙门路龙门浩交叉口
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The nearby cable car attraction inspired this mural. The cable car is one of the city's great attractions.

  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Colorful figures against a colorful background embellish this utility box.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,南岸区, 龙门路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    This street was described by tourists as a cave. The street has several murals with the typical Chongqing features and has been transformed into an art district. However, it is not known who the artists are who painted these murals.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,南岸区, 龙门路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The exterior walls of the old residential buildings are dressed in colorful new clothing. Domestic scenes are painted on the walls in parts that function as windows. Stairs are painted with statues of animals.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝中区, 解放东路82号
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Simple letter graffiti with Chinese characters and rudimentary drawings. These give the impression of being "trials".

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

重庆市,渝中区, 联合国际写字楼6楼
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Typical local landscape is chiseled into the stone wall. This drawing is part of the larger introduction of the cable car on this wall.


重庆市,渝中区, 新华路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Drawing of the cable car located near this utility box.


重庆市,渝中区, 新华路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Simple drawing of traffic lights on this utility box. The intention is to point out respect for traffic rules.

  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Reliefs in steel and stone have been applied to the wall of the street and to the banister. Vegetation, however, obscures the view of the whole.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

重庆市,渝中区, 人民路118号
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Drawing of a mountain landscape decorates the back of this pavilion.

  • Chongqing

    重庆市,沙坪坝区, 幸福村7号
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The steps of this staircase are painted with colorful drawings that represent a campsite, where it is good to stay. Promotion is the goal of this painting.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,沙坪坝区, 磁南街1号
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The utility boxes in the narrow streets of this ancient village are painted with effigies of cats and plants. The background is uniformly black. This village is one of the tourist attractions of the city.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,沙坪坝区, 磁南街1号磁器口
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The utility boxes in the narrow streets of this ancient village are painted with effigies of cats and plants. The background is uniformly black. This village is one of the tourist attractions of the city.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Titled: "绿洲世界" (Oasis world). Mural for the promotion of a computer game.

  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Black and white stencil-like murals depicting local markets of a bygone era.

  • Chongqing

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A drawing of a policeman directing traffic can be found at the entrance of a shopping mall. Further indications in the hallway provide more information about what can be purchased.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The corridor in the shopping centre is painted in such a way that it gives the impression of a shopping street, with several shops next to each other. Even a chair with a cat on it contributes to this simulation.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Buddha statue in bright contrasting colors at the entrance of a shop with all kinds of trinkets.

  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The renovation of the store is shielded by a fence painted with prominent Chinese scenes.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Scenes from everyday life from bygone eras are depicted in these drawings, which are made with two techniques: on the one hand paintings and on the other hand reliefs in stone or concrete form.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "Axis"; artist: Aryz (Spain); his real name is Octavi Serra Arrizabalaga; Painted in 2016. This masterpiece was created for the "back to school" project that aims to bring urban art to schools all over the country.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝中区, 李子坝正街
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    At the foot of the Liziba station of Chongqing's light rail, artists have created an artistic work that stands out for its color contrasts and the depictions of strange creatures.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    This large utility box is painted with bright contrasting colors. The painting depicts a turbulent river with wind-whipped waves.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝中区,陕西路34号 - 附近
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Both sides of this narrow street, which is located between two thoroughfares, are embellished with murals and effigies of animals and city views. The colour combinations ensure that the whole stands out against the rather grey surroundings.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝中区,陕西路34号 - 附近
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Both sides of this narrow street, which is located between two thoroughfares, are embellished with murals and effigies of animals and city views. The colour combinations ensure that the whole stands out against the rather grey surroundings.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This building stands out in the cityscape because its four corners on each floor are brightly colored.


重庆市,渝中区, 嘉陵江滨江路88号
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Sewer system lids are decorated with images of historical sites in the city.

  • Chongqing

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Artists: local and international; Created in May 2023. This three-dimensional mural brings together a series of urban landmarks on this wall. In this way, the charm of this historic city is underlined.

  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing
  • Chongqing

重庆市,渝中区, 五一路 - 解放牌地下环道
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A small mural on the lower part of this wall brings together various urban tourist attractions into a whole.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The international symbol of "I love . . ." is affixed to a wall of a shopping mall. The whole gives a cubist impression.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Striking sights and attractions in the city are depicted on the wall of this building. The whole is shielded with a glass wall. Publicity of products enjoys the interest.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

The cityscape of the neighborhood is engraved on the back of this metal wall, with the name of one of the hotels in the drawing.

  • Chongqing

    重庆市,渝北区, 昆仑大道渝铁西苑7障
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Drawings with texts encouraging the practice of sport have been placed on the pillars under the motorway.

  • Chongqing