Straatkunst - Chengdu

Streetart - Chengdu

街头艺术 - 成都

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成都市,成华区, 迎晖路辅路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Vertically planting walls with flowers and plants in different colors is a means to make the environment greener and healthier. This approach has many applications in the city.

  • Chengdu

    成都市,成华区, 迎晖路辅路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The city and province are known for the conservation and protection of pandas. Various initiatives are encouraged and promoted. This means that the theme of pandas pops up in all kinds of murals, such as on utility boxes in the street.

  • Chengdu

成都市,锦江区, 蜀都大道东风路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This streetside wall mural welcomes you to the city.

  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Utility boxes and other infrastructure in the streets are often painted with historic city views and scenes from everyday life in centuries past. Educational purposes are very likely at the origin of this approach.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Utility boxes and other infrastructure in the streets are often painted with historic city views and scenes from everyday life in centuries past. Educational purposes are very likely at the origin of this approach.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

成都市,青羊区, 太升北路
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Effigies of pandas are inscribed on the wall of this building. Hexagonal surfaces with different shades of color were used to create the effigies.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A stencil-like drawing of a classical Chinese landscape decorates the enclosure of this residential area. Hills and water are the basic ingredients for a classic landscape.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Drawings of scenes from everyday life adorn the fence around this residential area.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This mural depicts a scene in a restaurant. The clothing and headdress of the characters suggest a scene from a bygone era. However, the mural is closely related to the environment as there are several restaurants on this street.

  • Chengdu

    成都市,青羊区,狮子巷 - 方正街
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    This series of murals focuses on the examination system that existed during the empire to select officials for the administration.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

Small and large utility boxes are painted in a cubist style with city views.


datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This utility box is painted with a panda theme

  • Chengdu

    成都市,青羊区,太升南路182号, 蜀都大道总府路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    These utility boxes are painted with classic Chinese landscapes and city views.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "pear blossoms". This building is painted on all sides with pear blossoms. It is not known who painted it, but the painting is linked to the reputation of Chengdu and the surrounding area as a region with many pear trees that can be admired in all their splendor in spring.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,锦江区, 蜀都大道总府路 , 总府路15号
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Utility boxes in the street are painted with landscapes and city views. Classical Chinese houses are included in the paintings. This was done to beautify the cityscape, but apparently they are also places to store bicycles.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,锦江区, 正科甲巷 , 蜀都大道总府路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Advertisement spot in the street for a stay on a beach.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    These utility boxes are painted with landscapes and city views. Contemporary buildings and parks are the object of these paintings.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Graffiti wall with text and curving shapes. In the shapes are statues of the Sanxingdui excavations in the province. Around the wall are utility boxes painted with panda figures and texts.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "Wonderful street"; Artists: unknown. The project to beautify this street led to the painting of all the apartment buildings in this residential area. The murals focus on different forms of physical activity, which represent hope and strength. Sport and dance are central to these paintings.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "Wonderful street"; Artists: unknown. The project to beautify this street led to the painting of all the apartment buildings in this residential area. The murals focus on different forms of physical activity, which represent hope and strength. Sport and dance are central to these paintings.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "Wonderful street"; Artists: unknown. The project to beautify this street led to the painting of all the apartment buildings in this residential area. The murals focus on different forms of physical activity, which represent hope and strength. Sport and dance are central to these paintings.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

A special painting on this utility box: a swimming panda. This painting is apparently meant to make it clear that pandas are good swimmers.

  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The image on this utility box is that of a temple complex in the city. This temple is the "first Taoist temple" in the west of the province.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Titled: "望福。 寻游" (good luck. Go on a trip). The wall of this building is painted at its full length with people, animals, and other creatures. The situations that are depicted are difficult to understand. They are most likely referring to local facts and circumstances.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This telephone cabinet is painted on one side with a floral motif.

  • Chengdu

    成都市,郫都区, G4217荣昌高速辅路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    The pillars of the motorway are painted with colourful images of a landscape.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,郫都区, G4217荣昌高速辅路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    A mountain landscape with a person on horseback in the foreground is painted on this pillar of a motorway.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

成都市,都江堰市, 大熊猫中心
datum/date/日期: (04-24)

This roller shutter of a storage place is painted with a mountain landscape in which a panda is sleeping.

  • Chengdu

    成都市,都江堰市, 康兮路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Painted on a wall in a restaurant, this mural depicts different stages in noodle making.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,都江堰市, 康兮路
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Painted on a wall in a restaurant, this mural depicts food preparation.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,都江堰市, 二王庙
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    Murals from the building complex of Dujiangyan reservoir that stand out for their bright colors. This complex is located on the east side of the Minjiang River.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    成都市,都江堰市, 商业街179号
    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    This mural combines two techniques: on one hand there is the drawing or photo, on the other hand there is the stone or concrete structure of the people in the foreground.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu

    datum/date/日期: (04-24)

    A large mural has been painted on the façade of this building. A typical Chinese landscape is depicted with a figure from the Chinese opera and a panda bear.

  • Chengdu
  • Chengdu