Straatkunst - Brussel

Streetart - Brussels

街头艺术 - 布鲁塞尔

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Rue de Namur 82, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "La mésange"; artist: Steve Locatelli (Belgium); painted in August 2015. The work is painted on the upper part of a building in the Rue de Namur in Brussels.


Stoofstraat 33, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Kuifje en kapitein Haddock" (Tintin and Captain Haddock); artist: Hergé (cartoonist) (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium); Created in January 2011. The mural depicts a scene from the album "De zaak Zonnebloem" (The Sunflower Case) and is 36 square meters in size.

  • Brussels

    Vijfhoek, Kolenmarkt - Verversstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: 1: (12-23) 2-4: (09-24)

    Titled: "Le passage" (de doorgang); artists: François Schuiten (cartoonist) (Belgium), Oreopoulos G. (Belgium), Vandegeerde D (Belgium); created in July 1995. Part of the comic strip walk of the city of Brussels on The painting is 20 square meters in size.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Grasmarktstraat 116, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Painting on the ceiling of the Brussels comic museum contains scenes from one of the most famous Belgian comic strips.


Brussel-Zuid Place, Victor Horta 11, 1060 Brussel (Sint-Gillis)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

Scene from a "Tintin" comic strip was painted on an interior wall of the "Bruxelles-Midi" train station. The painting is located at the exit to the Victor Horta square. This artwork was unveiled in 2007 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Georges Remi, Hergé's official name.


Brussel-Zuid Place, Victor Horta 11, 1060 Brussel (Sint-Gillis)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

Scene from a "Tintin" comic strip was painted on an interior wall of the "Bruxelles-Midi" train station. The painting is located at the exit to the Victor Horta square.

  • Brussels

    Kardinaal Mercierstraat 33, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Water doesn't fall from the sky"; artist: Freskolab (Belgium); Painted in September 2021. The fresco was created as part of the Street Art PARCOURS in Brussels, on the occasion of the 130th anniversary of VIVAQUA. The fresco emphasizes the crucial role of water in life and in the city. It is also a tribute to the VIVAQUA employees who work every day to provide safe, high-quality drinking water, manage the sewage network and protect the city from flooding.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Grasmarktstraat 116, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Flora Mural"; artists: Monika Karandi (Hungary) (left), Laura Dauchet (France - Belgium) (middle), Blanca Cracia (Spain) (right); Painted in October 2023. The artwork is a ceramic triptych designed on the occasion of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the trio of presidencies: Spain - Belgium - Hungary (2023-2024).


Bergstraat 13, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Should I write something interesting to be an artist?"; artist: Selor (France); Painted in September 2018. The character in the mural is called "Mimil" and is a half-wolf, half-fox. Mimil sometimes launches humorous or philosophical messages.


Bergstraat 13, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "(R)estrat reality"; artist: Edward von Lõngus (Estonia - Belgium); painted in March 2019. Next to the character in the mural is the description of an app and a website, where more information about the identity of the artist can be found.


Bergstraat 13, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Vogels" (Birds); artist: Oakoak (France); Painted in May 2018. In this work, the artist refers to Japan, where birds are common in works of art.


Bergstraat 13, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: Anagard (Indonesia); painted in March 2019. The painting contains cultural elements of the artist's native country.


Magdalenasteenweg 1, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Smiles don't use skin colors"; artist: Mr. Kas (Portugal); painted in March 2019. The painting is applied to a roller shutter of a window. The artist likes to divide an image into pieces in order to be able to construct it into something special. 3D effects play an important role in this.


Spoormakersstraat 11, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: Arnaud End (Belgium); Painted in October 2018. The painting shows the abstract character of the artist's artworks. This work is part of the project to beautify the street.


Kolenmarkt 5, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: Mr_Lem_Art (Belgium); Painted in May 2023. The mural is part of BrusselsPride of May 2024. The window of this café is painted with figures representing the diversity of the crowd in this bar.


Lollepotstraat 25, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Out in the street"; artist: Ralf Koenig (Germany); painted in 2015. The mural is part of Rainbowhouse's "out in the street" project and features typical figures from the artist's comic books.

  • Brussels

    Lollepotstraat 7-15, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "out in the street"; artist: Fotini Tikkou (Greece); painted in May 2015. This small street is filled with works that focus on equality and love. The project was undertaken by Rainbowhouse and features a series of LGBTQI+ portraits.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Plattesteen 18, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

The façade of this building is painted with a web of circles and lines, between which dark figures can be found on different levels. The window frames contrast sharply with the colour of the façade.

  • Brussels

    vijfhoek, Kolenmarkt-Verversstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Broussaille and his friend Catherine"; artist: Frank Pé (cartoonist) (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium), J-Y. Mangnay (Belgium), R. Pieterhons (Belgium); painted in July 1991; renovation in September 1999. This comic mural is part of Broussaille is the person with the green coat. The painting is 45 square meters in size.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    vijfhoek, Kolenmarkt-Verversstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Victor Sackville"; artist: Francis Carin (cartoonist) (Belgium), Vandegeerde D. (Belgium), Oreopoulos G. (Belgium); painted in August 2002. This mural is part of The mural depicts a scene from the Belgian comic series about a secret agent in British service at the time of the First World War. The painting is 50 square meters in size.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Kolenmarkt 73, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: Farm prod. (Belgium); painted in March 2019. The façade of the house is painted with flowers and plants.

  • Brussels

    Bijstandsstraat 21, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Rik Ringers"; artist: Tibet (cartoonist), Urbana project (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium). D. Vandegeerde (Belgium); painted in March 2019. The painting depicts a scene from a Franco-Belgian detective comic series. The painting is part of the city's comic murals. The painting is 30 square meters in size.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Eclipsstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "La Belle Hip Hop"; artists: Cita Sadeli (aka Miss Chelove) (USA), Nadia Seika (Iran-Switzerland), Laetitia (aka LaetitiCNN199) (France), Michelle Shiyu Chen (Taiwan-USA); painted in March 2019. The painting was painted to commemorate International Women's Day.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Sint-Goriksstraat 16, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: unknown; painted in March 2019. The original work depicts an underwater scene that also shows what the bar stands for. The fresco on the wall is daubed with various texts.

  • Brussels

    Rijkeklarenstraat 24, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: Parole (Belgium), EYES-B (Belgium); painted in October 2015. The mural distinguishes itself by connecting to the functions of the building - i.e. theatre -, the architecture and the environment. The realization of this work was coordinated by Urbana vzw.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Groot Eilandstraat 21, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: Wenc (Belgium); painted in March 2019. This work is located at the back of the shot bar. The painting shows a character who is in a kind of ecstasy. The painting is covered with pamphlets.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Groot Eilandstraat 10, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: Mr. Doodle (aka Sam Cox)(UK), Treepack (Belgium); painted in June 2017. This 40-square-metre work is located on a wall of the Anneessens-Funck Institute. In this mural, the world is populated by packed groups of characters, objects and motifs that multiply. The entire wall is painted with doodles from Mr. Doodle who collaborated with Treepack for this painting.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Groot Eilandstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

This small mural stands out for its imaginative interpretation of flowers and plants. Human traits have been attributed to flowers.

  • Brussels

    Eclipsstraat 5, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    It is not clear whether this is a painting or a photograph. It is striking that the figure is in a doorway and welcomes you.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Sint-Kristoffelstraat 38, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Tribute to Ihsane Jarfi"; artist: Anthea Missy (France - Belgium); Painted in May 2018. This mural was created on the occasion of the Pride in Brussels in 2018 as a tribute to Ihsane Jarfi, who died in Liège in 2012 after homophobic violence.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Sint-Goriksplein 54, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Artist: Hetas Apache (Belgium); painted in March 2019. The painting depicts a dispute between two people, but leaves open the reason for the conflict. The work has been painted over in several places.


Sint-Goriksplein 1, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Je ne suis pas un nuisible"; artist: Rose Delhaye (Belgium). On about 50 utility cabinets in the city, the artist has painted foxes with a clear message.

  • Brussels

    Sint-Goriksplein 20, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Nero"; artist: Marc Sleen (cartoonist) (Belgium), G. Oreopolous (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium); painted in May 1995. The painting depicts a scene from the comic strip and is part of the comic strip walls of the city ( The painting is 40 square meters in size.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Kartuizerstraat 50, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: Docteur Bergman (France), BZT22 (aka Alain Bezotte) (France), Ose artwork (aka Olivier Secretan) (France), Nubian artwork (aka Roch Marcorelles) (France); painted in 2017. The painting was made at the request of the Strokar association for the 2017 exhibition. Artists were asked to interpret certain photographs in their paintings.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Kartuizerstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Invaders"; artist: Invader (France). The French artist painted several places in this city with his signature tile art. He did, however, add some local details to his work.

  • Brussels

Kartuizerstraat - Graanmarkt, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Het Zinneke"; artist: Tom Frantzen (Belgium); made in 1998. This work depicts a dog urinating against a Brussels pole. The image is related to "Manneken Pis" (a peeing boy) and even "Jeanneke Pis" (a peeing girl). The name "Zinneke" is based on the river "de Zenne" and the nickname for Brussels residents (or mongrel dog), Zinneke. In 2015, the sculpture was hit by a car and restored by the artist.

  • Brussels

    Kartuizerstraat 41, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "In my area (for Kato)"; artist: Lucy McKenzie (Scotland); Painted in August 2017. This piece pays homage to the comic strip walk and street art in Brussels, but also to the different ethnic and eclectic feminist histories of Brussels. For Kato, for the Hungarian artist is Kato Lukatz. The mural itself features a series of small homages to the Brussels comic scene, making for a very unique work of art.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Kartuizerstraat 41, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "L'Ange de Sambre"; artist: Yslaire (cartoonist) (aka Bernard Hislaire) (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium); painted in May 1998. This Yslaire project is part of the comic strip trail of the city of Brussels. The area is about 22 square meters.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

Arteveldestraat 137, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Deplacer des montagnes"; artist: Jaune (aka Jonathan Pauwels) (Belgium); painted in May 2017. The artwork is intended to make citizens aware of the cleanliness of shared spaces and to make the work of the street workers visible.

  • Brussels

    Doltoplein - Washuisstraat 27, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Astérix"; artist: Uderzo (cartoonist) (France), Art mural (Belgium); painted in March 2019. Part of the comic strip walk of the city of Brussels by Art Mural. The fresco depicts a scene from the comic strip. The villagers of Astérix's village and their allies storm a Roman camp.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Froebelstraat, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: M. CHAT (aka Thoma Vuille) (France - Switzerland); Painted in August 2023. The character in this painting is an orange-yellow cat made with acrylic paint. The enigmatic character wears a big smile and is usually painted on walls, in inaccessible places.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Loofstraat 13, 1000 Brussel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "quartier imaginaire"; artist: Defo 84 (Belgium), Shake (Belgium); painted in May 2016. This mural replaces an older one – titled "Isabelle" – and is intended to contribute to the district's urban renewal. The drawing fits very well with the existing urban art mural and is mainly intended for the young people from the neighborhood who spend a lot of time on this football field next to the mural.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Philippe de Champagnestraat, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Froed & Stroef"; artist: Farm Prod. (Belgium), Frédéric Jannin (Belgium), Stefan Liberski (Belgium); painted in April 2014. Mural for the comic strip walk of the city of Brussels. Froed et Stroef are two small blue dogs (seen at the bottom right of the mural) from a comic strip. The design of this mural is quite unique in the way the boarded-up windows on the wall are incorporated into the mural.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Philippe de Champagnestraat 33, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "XIII"; artist: William Vance & Jean Van Hamme (cartoonists) (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium), R. Kuleczko (Belgium); painted in October 2010. The work depicts a scene from a Belgian graphic novel series about an amnesiac person trying to discover his past

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Cellebroersstraat 9 - Priemstraat, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Le dinosaure transparent": artist: Vincent Glowinski (aka Bonom) (France - Belgium); painted in June 2021; Inaugurated on November 16, 2022. The mural is part of the PARCOURS street art of the city of Brussels. The artist prefers gigantic murals on drab facades of the city.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Priemstraat 19A, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Artist: Above (aka Tavar Zawacki) (USA); painted in April 2005. From 2000 to 2006, the artist's focus was solely on the "UP" arrow icon he invented. The mural here is an example of that.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Nieuwland 15, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Yoko Tsuno"; artist: R. Leloup (cartoonist) (Belgium), G. Oreopoulos (Belgium), D. Vandegeerde (Belgium), R. Kuleczko (Belgium), A. Aguirre (Belgium), G. Dussart (Belgium); painted in June 2010. The painting is dedicated to the main character - Yoko Tsuno - of a Belgian comic series in the 1970s.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels
  • Brussels

    Nieuwland 52, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Seyuu"; artist: Gleo (Columbia); Painted in April 2016. The mural is created with simple brushes and rollers but exhibits very imaginative and vibrant art. The figure in the painting depicts a mythical creature with yellow glowing eyes. The mural is dedicated to the community "wayuu" in northern Columbia.

  • Brussels

Nieuwland, 1000 Brussel
datum/date/日期: (09-24)

Titled: "Anneesens - Marolles"; artist: 2Shy (aka Olivier Sujjkowski) (France), Miles (aka Jeremy Goffart) (Belgium), Beoz (Belgium), Bruce (Belgium), keke (Norway); Painted in January 2018. The surface of the road tunnel is painted with contrasting colours and shapes.

  • Brussels

    Nieuwland 118, 1000 Brusssel
    datum/date/日期: (09-24)

    Titled: "Daily life in Nieuwland"; artist: unknown; Painted in September 2022. The mural caricatures the neighborhood around the train station and gives the impression that children created this work. Unfortunately, the lower part has been painted over.

  • Brussels
  • Brussels