Straatkunst - Antwerpen-2100

Streetart - Antwerp-2100

街头艺术 -安特卫普-2100

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Van Duyststraat 15, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Pigeons of decay"; artist: Mark Gmehling (Germany), SMOK (Belgium); Created in November 2016. The mural depicts large hands in decay, representing society's current fierce demand on people, while pigeons fly around freely and poope colorfully on the hands.


Van Amstelstraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Lion's roar"; artist: Linksone (Belgium); Created in October 2016. The mural reflects the shock waves of a loud cry.


Van Amstelstraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Lion's roar"; artist: Linksone (Belgium); Created in October 2016. The mural reflects the shock waves of a loud cry.


Tweemontstraat 298, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels Deurne – Stop global warming"; artist: Bird (Belgium); Created in October 2016. Original image created by Linnea Strid (Sweden).

  • Tweemontstraat

    Tweemontstraat 116, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (11-23)

    Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne – Dead fish"; artist: Kanter Dhaenens (Belgium), Ekster (Belgium), Eltipo (Belgium); Created in August 2017.

  • TweeColumbiastraat

Tweemontstraat 68, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple drawings or a phone cabinet nearby. Daily scenes have been depicted.


Tweemontstraat 85, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple drawings or a phone cabinet nearby. Daily scenes have been depicted.

  • Tweemontstraat

    Tweemontstraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (11-23)

    Titled: "Crown jewels in Deurne – Smoky bacon, holy cow"; artists: Joachim (Belgium), 2Dirty (Belgium), k.shit (Belgium); Created in November 2016. Various subjects are depicted on this transformer building.

  • Tweemontstraat
  • Tweemontstraat

Van Cortbeemdelei 382, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne – Fishy Business"; artist: Nefast (Belgium), TUQZ (Belgium); Created in October 2017. This mural depicts a fish made by two generations of artists: the young TUZQ and the somewhat older Nefast. The entrance gate completes the bones of the fish.


Van Cortbeemdelei 382, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Jungle Smurf"; artist: Wilson (UK); Created in October 2016.De mural combines two designs by the artist.


Van Cortbeemdelei 277, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple drawing on the entrance door to a nearby elementary school.


Van Duyststraat 253, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Clownish figures drawn on a wall close to a nearby playground.


Meyersstraat 21, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Daily scenes painted on a phone cabinet.


Van Duyststraat 192, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne – Brigitte Bardot"; artist: CAZ (Belgium); Created in December 2017. This work is located within the walls of the "Zorgverblijf" service centre. It is in very good condition.


Van Amstelstraat 57, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Greatest of all times"; artists: Lazer (Belgium). Owkes (Belgium); Created in October 2016. The mural is dedicated to well-known sports figures.


Van Amstelstraat 62, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne - Greatest of all times"; artists: Lazer (Belgium). Owkes (Belgium); Created in October 2016. The mural is dedicated to well-known sports figures.


Tweemontstraat 294, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Crown Jewels in Deurne – Grand Theft 2Mont"; artists: Rwina (Belgium), Timmy Lazer (Belgium); Created in August 2017.


Maria de Heeltstraat 18, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Cycling makes you flying"; artist: Napam (Belgium); Created in August 2021. Cycling stands for freedom. The artist painted a grey electricity cabin and the wall of the kindergarten "De Groene Egel" with an ode to the bicycle.


Schindestraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Artist: Van Akelijen R.(Belgium). The artist uses figures from the "Simpson" family to brighten up this façade.


De Gilmanstraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Small telephone booth is embellished with a drawing that embraces strongly contrasting colors.


De Gryspeerstraat 82, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Cinema Rix"; artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium); Painted in September 2020. The building is painted with geometric color patterns.


Bijenhofstraat 20, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "clouds are clouds and pass away"; artist: Bird (Belgium); Created in May 2018. The mural is a tribute to a beekeeper who restored all his beehives after they were destroyed during the war.


Karel Govaertsstraat 32, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Icarus"; artist: Dzia (Belgium); Created in August 2017.


Van den Hautelei 68, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Andromeda"; artist: Bird (Belgium); Created in the July 2018. The artist painted this child on the wall of this school, which looks to the future, but who can still be challenged and be amazed.


Van den Hautelei 68, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Andromeda"; artist: Bird (Belgium); Created in the July 2018. The artist painted this child on the wall of this school, which looks to the future, but who can still be challenged and be amazed.


Herentalsebaan 299, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

The mural on this façade depicts a young woman holding a large umbrella in the rain.

  • Boekenbergpark

    Herentalsebaan 299, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (12-23)

    Created in September 2015. Twelve graffiti artists went to work to honour Arno Arnouts, who is more or less the founder of legal graffiti in Antwerp. Since September 2015, it has been displayed on the walls of the Keteleer car park on the Herentalsebaan in Deurne. Dzia was one of the 12 artists who collaborated on this and painted a whale in his typical style.

  • Boekenbergpark
  • Boekenbergpark
  • Boekenbergpark

Herentalsebaan 291, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Graffiti street with contribution from various artists.


Herentalsebaan 228, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Playing kid"; artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium); created in July 2013. This mural was inspired by a financial crisis at the time. The child has no money to buy a leg for his dog. That's why he draws a leg on the pavement.


Herentalsebaan 228, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Stylish and abstract wall mural of girl blowing soap bubbles.


Herentalsebaan 158, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Painting on the shutter of a garage of a boy on a skateboard. The number on the skateboard is the house number.


Arenaplein, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Titled: "Piet Pienter & Bert Bibber - comic strip wall Antwerp"; artists: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic Walls (Belgium); created in September 2016. This mural is dedicated to the characters of a Belgian comic strip.


Eksterlaar 136, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Artist: Tisse Geukens (Belgium); Created in September 2023. This colourful mural came about after a lengthy procedure with the city. The scene is related to the name of the street.

  • Boekenbergpark

    Boekenbergpark, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (12-23)

    A forest scene with plants and animals is painted on this utility box. This is in line with the park environment in which the cabinet is located.

  • Boekenbergpark

Boshovestraat 177, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

Artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium), Treepack (Belgium); Painted in October 2021. The façade of the Academie Deurne was transformed by the painting into a unique abstract eye-catcher.

  • Boekenbergpark

    Metro station Sportpaleis-Sport, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    The proximity of the sports palace and the velodrome located in it inspired the transport company to provide the station with related art.

  • Boekenbergpark
  • Antwerpen

    Metro station Sportpaleis-Sport, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    The upper part of the metro station features colourful shapes and figures. Coloured tiles are the basic material for these creations.

  • Antwerpem

De Sossastraat 30A, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

A utility box in the street is painted with a motif depicting a red-colored house. This motif is widespread in the neighborhood.


Van Dornestraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

A simple landscape embellishes this utility box in the street.

  • Antwerpen

    Van Dornestraat 45, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    The facades of these houses are colored with a different color, which gives a special character to this row of houses.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpen

    Van Dornestraat, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    A utility box in the street is painted with a motif depicting a red-colored building. This motif is widespread in the neighborhood.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpen

    Bisschoppenhoflaan 120, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    This small building is painted with characters and scenes that can be found in the street.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpen

    Bisschoppenhoflaan 67, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    The proximity of a football stadium inspired an anonymous artist to paint football scenes on this utility box. The question is why there is also an owl.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpem

Bisschoppenhoflaan, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

A utility box in the street is painted with a motif depicting a red-colored house. This motif is widespread in the neighborhood.

  • Antwerpen

    Herentalsebaan 422A, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    Titled: "These heroes were masks"; artist: Bird (Belgium); painted in March 2020. With this mural, the artist wants to show his appreciation for people who work in healthcare.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpen

    Herentalsebaan 299, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    Titled: "Lonely whale"; artist: Dzia (Belgium); painted in September 2015. The artist participated in honoring Arno Arnouts, the founder of legal graffiti in Antwerp, and drew this whale in his style. However, the mural is now in poor condition.

  • Antwerpem
  • Antwerpen

    Wouter Haecklaan 5, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    A relief with various shapes and colours decorates the side façade of this school complex.

  • Antwerpem

Wouter Haecklaan 4D, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

A relief with various shapes and colours decorates the side façade of this school complex.


Wouter Haecklaan 5, 2100 Antwerpen (Deurne)
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

On a rear building of the school complex is this mural, in which an owl takes centre stage.