Straatkunst - Antwerpen-2000

Streetart - Antwerp-2000

街头艺术 -安特卫普-2000

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Number of pictures in this page:
  • Kammenstraat

    Kopstraatje, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (09-22)

    Artists: Onio (Brazil), El Neoray (Brazil), Vagabundos (Brazil); made in 2014. The street looks like a museum, but unfortunately much of it has been painted over.

  • Kammenstraat
  • Ijzerenwaag
  • Kopstraatje
Van Cuyckstraat

Van Cuyckstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-22)

don Quixote figure;


Steegsken 4, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-22)

Maria statue;


Sint-Jansvliet 17-18, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-22)

Titled: "Paddestoelen" (Mushrooms); artist: Charlotte De Cock (Belgium); Created in April 2021. A mural dedicated to mushrooms.

Frans Halsplein

Frans Halsplein 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Old school"; artist: Zenith (Matthias Schoenaerts) (Belgium), Rizon (Belgium). The original version has been largely repainted.

  • Frans Halsplein

    Frans Halsplein, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-22)

    Titled: "Kinderen baas" (Kids boss); artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic Walls (Belgium); a tribute to the 2009 deceased artist Jef Nys.

  • Frans Halsplein
  • Frans Halsplein
  • Frans Halsplein

    Frans Halsplein, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (09-22)

    Titled: "What's up, Doc?"; artist: Smok (Belgium); created in April 2016. The Frans Halsplein is a cozy square in the middle of the university quarter that got a positive boost in 2004 when it got a complete makeover in an "Urban jungle" theme. Now Smok's little bunnies found their new home there.

  • Frans Halsplein
  • Frans Halsplein

Rosier 1-47, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "het hart en de ziel van straatkunst" (the heart and soul of Streetart); artist: Joachim (Belgium), K. Shit (Belgium). A colorfull wall at the back of a classic wall by the famous duo Dabs Myla.


Rosier 32, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Artists: DMA, CFH. The painting combines letters and shapes in a lively and non-conventional way so that the whole comes across as overwhelming.

Lange Riddersstraat

Lange Riddersstraat 60, 2000 Antwerpe
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Artist: Marco Scarpoto (aka RESMONE) (Belgium); created in 2008. This graffiti mural was realized on the façade of the Musica school.


Eiermarkt 33, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Antwerpen" (Antwerp); artist: Yvon Tordoir (aka Rise One) (Belgium), Baroque Murals (Belgium); Created in June 2018.


Gramayestraat 2-4, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Muurschildering voor mijn Vader" (Mural for my Father); artist: El Mac (aka Miles MacGregor) (USA), Baroque Murals (Belgium); Created in June 2018. This piece is an interpretation of an image of Saint Joseph from the mid-1600s by the Flemish painter Michaelina Wautier. The interplay of light and dark strongly refers to Rembrandt's sketches.


Eikenstraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Dreamin' "; artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium). Murals on the sidewall of a school; the girl is playing with her wings.

  • Eikenstraat

    Eikenstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-22)

    Titled: "Dreamin' "; artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium). Murals on the sidewall of a school; a boy is sitting on the branch of a oak tree dreaming of spreading his wings, but he does not notice the two man at the bottom chopping up the tree.

  • Eikenstraat
Korte Riddersstraat

Korte Riddersstraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Suske & Wiske" (Spike & Suzy); artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic Walls (Belgium). The Spike & Suzy comic strip wall was painted in 2015 at the request of the residents of the Seefhoek district in question. The wall is a tribute to the spiritual father of Spike & Suzy who was born in this district; the mural depicts where Spike & Suzy first met in medieval Antwerp


Kloosterstraat 46, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Facade of the Akanthos Eclectic Interiors shop.


Kloosterstraat 51, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "meer kan niet, minder mag niet" (more is not possible, less is not allowed); artist: unknown; raw street art in Antwerp.


Kloosterstraat 149-157, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Nero"; artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic walls (Belgium); this mural from 2014 is an ode to the oeuvre of Marc Sleen, the oldest cartoonist in Belgium. Marc Sleen created the Nero cartoon character.


Lombardenvest 23, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Private property; raw street art in Antwerp.


Schoenmarkt 2A, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.


Geefsstraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Private property; raw street art in Antwerp.


Paradijsstraat 6-14, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Kiekeboe"; artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic Walls (Belgfium). In 2007, when the comicbook hero Kiekeboe existed for 30 years, it was obvious the next comicbook wall was one dedicated to him. The work has a link with the student neighborhood through the main character Fanny who happily cycles to the university on the mural.


Blindestraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Entitled: "His Frightened Highness"; artist; Dzia (Belgium); Created in June 2016. This mural at the entrance of the Academy refers to this academy but also to the artist's fear of heights.

  • Blindestraat

    Blindestraat 4a, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-22)

    Artists: unknown; made in 2015. Raw street art on the walls surrounding a parking lot.

  • Blindestraat
  • Blindestraat
  • Moriaanstraatje

    Moriaanstraatje 1, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-2: (08-22) 3-4: (06-24)

    Titled: "Hendrik Conscience"; artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic walls (Belgium). The very first Antwerp comic strip wall was painted in 2005 by Jan Bosschaert and is located in the Moriaanstraatje. The mural depicts an existing fountain. The fountain is located on Conscience square, which is a few blocks away.

  • Moriaanstraatje
  • Moriaanstraatje
  • Moriaanstraatje

Veurnekaai, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "beYOUtiful"; artist: Zenith (aka Mathias Schoenaerts) (Belgium), Does (aka Joos van Barneveld) (The Netherlands), Zenk One (aka Robin Nas) (The Netherlands); Created in June 2018. The quote in the middle had people searching for their inner glow.


Houtenbrug 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Walvis of reus?" (Whale or Giant?); artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium); Created in February 2018. The artist worked on this piece for 10 days in cold conditions.

  • Zirkstraat

    Zirkstraat 38, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-22)

    Artist: GUN-T (Belgium). The murals are located in the buildings of the "VZW Fameus" (

  • Zirkstraat
  • Zirkstraat

Begijnenvest 22, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

At the entrance of a school building.


Kronenburgstraat 45, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Humain"; artist: Zenith (aka Matthias Schoenaerts) (Belgium). In 24 hours Zenith painted a huge hand on a wall of the Provincial Institute for Hygiene. The artist chose a hand because it means connection, it is a reference to the Antwerp myth of Brabo, and it refers to the colonial past, where Belgians have cut off hands of oppressed people.

  • Leopold de Waelstraat

    Leopold de Waelstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-2: (08-22) 3: (08-24)

    Titled: "Louis Armstrong"; artist: Philip Paquet (Belgium); created in 2009. Inspired by jazz and Louis Armstrong in particular, this work is located above wine bistro Patine. This work is not a large painted wall, but small works in boarded-up window openings of the white building. It's as if we're taking a look inside someone else's intimate world...

  • Leopold de Waelstraat
  • Leopold de Waelstraat
  • Korte Nieuwstraat

    Korte Nieuwstraat 23, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-22)

    Titled: "Cheese"; artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic Walls (Belgium). In 2008 the "Willem Elsschot" society asked to immortalize one of the most famous characters of Willem Elsschot on a mural. The mural is currently (autumn 2022) being expanded: the entire building will be painted with scenes from Elsschot's works. Original mural being expanded in autumn 2022

  • Korte Nieuwstraat
  • Korte Nieuwstraat
  • Korte Nieuwstraat

    Korte Nieuwstraat 23, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (10-22)

    Titled: "kaas" (cheese); artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic walls (Belgium). Enlarged mural, based on original one, containing various scenes from the work of Willem Elsschot; the mural covers the whole facade of the building. Works were finished in October 2022.

  • Korte Nieuwstraat
  • Korte Nieuwstraat

Meir 71, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Mural in a shop (i.e. foot locker) on the Meir in Antwerp.


Sint-Katelijnevest 32, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Religious themes appearing in streetart.

  • Keizerstraat

    Keizerstraat 58, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-2:(08-22) 3-4: (07-24)

    Titled: "Cordelia"; artist: Art Mural (Belgium), Comic walls (Belgium); created in 2007. Cordelia, well-known cartoon character of Ilah (Inge Liesbeth Alfonsina Heremans), is depicted in various study poses on the wall of the restaurant of this faculty of the University of Antwerp.

  • Keizerstraat
  • Keizerstraat
  • Keizerstraat

Gratiekapelstraat 7, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-22)

Titled: "Fabics & memories"; artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium). The work is a tribute to Adriana, the deceased daughter of a university professor. The eight-year-old girl died after an accident. The drama grabbed everyone enormously, so the faculty asked the Antwerp artist Larsen Bervoets to work out a tribute.


Meistraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.


Meistraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.


Volkstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Rudolf Steinerschool building in Antwerp. This beautiful Art Nouveau building was built in 1899 and rebuilt by Bob Van Reeth in 1995. Now only the front is original.


Prekersstraat 16, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled: "Elk kind is een held" (Every child is a hero); artist: A squid called Sebastian (USA - Belgium), Linksone (Belgium), Flash (Australia); Created in June 2012. Habbekrats is a youth center that wants to make every child a hero and tries to build a positive atmosphere around children.


Nationalestraat 35, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.


Nationalestraat 35, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.

  • Everdijstraat

    Everdijstraat 12-52, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1 (09-22) 2-3: (11-23)

    Artist: Decofiti (The Netherlands). This mural depicts the activity of bees in producing honey.

  • Antwerpen
  • Antwerpen

Kattenstraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Artist: Joachim (Lambrechts) (Belgium). Raw street art in Antwerp.


Gratiekapelstraat 2A, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled: "keeping an eye on you" ; artist: unknown. Raw street art in Antwerp.


Sint-Laureiskaai 13, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled: "beYOUtiful"; artist: Zenith (aka Mathias Schoenaerts) (Belgium), Does (aka Joos van Barneveld) (The Netherlands), Zenk One (aka Robin Nas) (The Netherlands); Created in June 2018. The quote in the middle had people searching for their inner glow.


Sint-Laureiskaai 11, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled:"Gert & James". Painting of Gert Verhulst and James Cooke; both ran a popular talkshow from a boat nearby. Painting is no longer since June 2024.


Rijnkaai 150, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled: "Tizarte 2018"; artist: Cee Pil (Belgium) & K.Shit (Belgium); Created in September 2018. Both artists joined forces to conquer walls and facades throughout Belgium.


Rijnkaai 150, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Titled: "Episodic Memory"; artist: WD (wild drawing) (Indonesia); Created in September 2018. WD is based in Athens, Greece. Episodic memory is a person's recall of a specific event.

  • Kattendijkbrug

    Kattendijkbrug, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (09-22)

    Titled: "wtfock"; artist: Smok (aka Bart Boudewijns) (Belgium); created in 2019. This mural was made for a Belgian TV series. The painting depicts one of the main characters from the series.

  • Kattendijkbrug
  • Begijnenvest

    Begijnenvest 79, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (09-22)

    Raw street art in Antwerp; art beautifying utility cabins in the city.

  • Begijnenvest

Leopoldstraat 28, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (09-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp.

  • Graanmarkt

    Graanmarkt 2-6, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (09-22)

    Raw street art in Antwerp; art beautifies utility cabins in the city.

  • Graanmarkt

Vleminckstraat 9, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Artist: Dzia (Belgium). Small painting on door.

Oude Koornmarkt

Oude Koornmarkt 58, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Artist: Cotton Candy (aka Tinneke Snijders) (Belgium); created on October 1, 2020.

Oude Koornmarkt

Oude Koornmarkt 58, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Artist: Cotton Candy (aka Tinneke Snijders) (Belgium); created on October 1, 2020.


Bergstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Art not crap"; artist: Lazer (Belgium); painted in April 2017.


Vrijdagmarkt 1-8, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Memoirs of a Geisha"; artist: Pablo Piatti (Argentina); created on October 27, 2018.


Theaterplein, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Golden Joey"; artist: Dzia (Belgium); painted on a wall in the "interparking Stadsschouwburg".


Sint-Jorispoort, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Artist: Steve Locatelli (Belgium). Inside Vietnamese restaurant "little BUN".

  • Rosierstraat

    Rosierstraat 1-47, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (10-22)

    Titled: "Jack in the box"; artist: Joachim (Belgium), K.Shit (Belgium).

  • Rosierstraat
  • Rosierstraat

    Lange Riddersstraat 48, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1:(10-22) 2-3: (08-24)

    Titled: "Sint Andries MC's"; artist: Smates (Belgium), made in September 2013. Founded in September 2013, Sint Andries MC's is a Belgian hip hop formation.

  • Rosierstraat
  • Rosierstraat

Sint-Andriesplaats, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Costa"; artist: unknown. Costa is a local meeting point for young and old; graffiti has been painted all over the place by various artists; this painting covers the left-side entrance door to the compound;


Sint-Andriesplaats, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Costa"; artist: unknown. Costa is a local meeting point for young and old; graffiti has been painted all over the place by various artists; this painting covers the right-side entrance door to the compound;


Sint-Andriesplaats, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

Titled: "Costa"; artist: unknown. Costa is a local meeting point for young and old; graffiti has been painted all over the place by various artists.When the door to the center is closed, you get the two paintings together in a whole.


Sint-Andriesplaats, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Neon" artist: Zenith (aka Matthias Schoenaerts) (Belgium), Zenk One (Belgium). Oldest pieces of Zenith can be found in the back of the grounds.

  • Prekersstraat

    Prekersstraat 27A, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (10-22)

    Titled: "Baroque Abstract"; artist: Astro (France); Created in 2018. Three walls are painted in a 3D pattern style; paintings are signed as "Antwerpbaroque 2018".

  • Prekersstraat

Kloosterstraat 45,2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Mural painted on the wall of a school.


Kloosterstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Meeting of Styles"; artist: Flash (Belgium), Linksone (Belgium), Gun-T (Belgium); the first "meeting of styles" was organised in this area, but from 2014 onwards graffiti was banned;


Ossenmarkt 3-34, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Artist: JW Van De Maele (Belgium); created on March 28, 2021.


Paardenmarkt 94, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Een chimpansee die een mier aan water helpt" (A chimpazee helping an ant with water); artist: JW Van De Maele (Belgium); created on April 24, 2021.


Paardenmarkt 54, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp; painted on a door of a street house.

August Michielsstraat

August Michielsstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

The logo of this bar is painted above the entrance door to the bar. The logo is a colorful and playful representation of the bar's unique and energetic ambiance.


Klapdorp 50, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

This drawing with people doing all kinds of exercises is painted on the window of "bibi" fitstudio. The painting emphasizes the activities in the fitness club.


Klapdorp 22L, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled "Tears"; artist: Elisabeth Herrera; painted on roller shutter.


Predikerinnenstraat 14, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Raw street art in Antwerp;


Wisselstraat 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Titled: "Cafe Mundi"; artist: Dzia (Belgium). Painted on façade of a coffeehouse.

Korte Riddersstraat

Korte Riddersstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (10-22)

Raw street art on a wall in this street. A simple mural of a cat in red color with a small medallion with the letter "g".


Museumstraat 6, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-22)

Titled: "real estate"; artist: Jef Gysen (Belgium); made in the run-up to and during the Antwerp Art Weekend on the façade next to "shoobil" gallery. The design is based on 'real estate', a series of dynamic and architectural oil paintings previously shown at "shoobil" gallery and Art The Hague.


Vrijheidsstraat 57, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-22)

Titled: "Jazz". Painted on a wooden bench in the street; various musicians playing music are pictured.


Hopland 51, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Small painting on the window of a drinking establishment. The painting depicts a figure of Christ drinking a coffee.


Minderbroedersrui, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple drawing on the façade of this building. Behind the upper window is a strange figure.


Mutsaardstraat 13, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Raw street art on these doors.


Lange Noordstraat 12, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Fear"; artist: SIMO (Simon Mannaerts) (Belgium); Created in October 2023. The painting urges viewers to reflect on the inherent human desire for security, love, and protection.


Minderbroedersrui 47, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple sketch with two ropes in a knot. In between is a ship.


Minderbroedersrui, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Simple sketch of a rope in a knot. Next to it is a ship.


Sluisstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Drawing of a girl on the fence around an industrial site. The girl's big eyes are striking.


Sluisstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Titled: "Lazy summer afternoon"; artist: Grete Moortgat (Belgium). Colorful motif in symmetrical shape on a fence around an industrial area.


Sluisstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Artist: Shozy (aka Danila Shmelev) (Russia); Created in August 2018. Cubic drawing in black and white on a concrete block.

  • Antwerpen

    Sluisstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (11-23)

    Titled: "Muretz #3 - Tizarte 2018" Artist: Muretz (Brazil); made in August 2018 on the occasion of the Tizarte 3D street art festival in Antwerp.

  • Antwerpen

Ferdinanduspolder, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Drawings on the back of the restaurant refer to the country from which dishes are served in the restaurant.


Kattendijkdok-Oostkaai 20, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Road demarcations are painted with scenes from the city.


Kattendijkdok-Oostkaai 20, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Graffiti texts are painted on the back of warehouses in the street.


Antwerpen-Zuid, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Drawings of underwater scenes have been placed at a tram station. Artists may be children. Unfortunately, the drawings have been partially painted over.


Kolonel Silvertopstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Drawings of scenes from a forest or jungle have been applied to a tram station. Artists are very likely to be children.


Sint-Michielskaai, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Drawing on the façade of a building depicting two men's bodies while the heads have been replaced by eyes.


Bogaardestraat 33, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Two placards have been placed on the façade of this house. A tree is painted on each plaque. The bottom placard shows a shriveled tree while the top plaque shows a healthy tree.


Bogaardestraat 27, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Artists: Joachim (Belgium), 2Dirty (Belgium), k.shit (Belgium); made in 2015. Each artist has drawn his characteristic figure and features here.


Happaertstraat 14, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Artist: unknown. This sketch of a head can be found on a wall of a car stand. The sketch shows pale colors and was most likely made years ago.


Schoytestraat 39, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

Artist: Dzia (Belgium), Ligone (Portugal); created in 2012. The sketch is apparently linked to the lig1 syndrome mutations.


Schoytestraat 39, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (11-23)

This sketch depicts the elements of a pirate story with dragons and turbulent seas.

  • Antwerpen

    Sint-Anna voetgangerstunnel, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-2: (11-23) 3-4: (09-24)

    Mural in the Sint-Anna pedestrian tunnel under the Scheldt. Scenes of the "Little Mermaid" are shown there.

  • Antwerpen
  • Antwerpen
  • Antwerpen

Hamerstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Artist: Nele Brughmans (Belgium); Created in October 2021. This artwork emphasizes the relationship between the city, man and nature.


Lange Koepoortstraat 39, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (12-23)

Artist: unknown. This mural at the entrance of a shop depicts a battle between a snake and a rat.


Tabaksvest 91, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (1-24)

Titled: "Kom op tegen kanker" (Stand up against cancer); artist: Xuas (aka Huascaya) (Belgium); Created in October 2023. The mural depicts a large heart, colored with colorful flowers and in it the large yellow ribbon of the organization "Kom op tegen Kanker". There are also some butterflies fluttering around the heart.


Korte Koepoortstraat 9, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (1-24)

Façade drawing on a house. In the drawing are flowers, a city view and ships, which refer to the city of Antwerp.


Vrijdagmarktstraatje 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (1-24)

The windows of this building are painted with varying scenes: plants, animals, and historical figures.


Rijnkaai 37, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (1-24)

Artist: unknown. This utility box is covered with a mural that shows varied activities that take place in the city.


Konijnenwei, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (1-24)

Titled: "Reaching"; artist: A squid called Sebastian (USA - Belgium); Created in August 2023. In 2018, Slovenian-Ghent artist Mark Požlep unveiled the container artwork Agora on the Konijnenwei. At the request of the neighbourhood, the artist gave this artwork a new look in August 2023. The design depicts two hands reaching for a star, symbolizing hopes and dreams.


Den Botaniek, Leopoldstraat 24, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-24)

A strange mural is on a window of a building. The top half shows a man's head, while the bottom half depicts a landscape. The style in the two parts is also different.

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    Meistraat 15, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1: (08-22) 2-3: (06-24)

    Titled: "Remember"; artist: Artoon (BE) (i.e. Toon Van Ishoven); commemoration of WWII; the place where the mural is, was hit in WWII by a V1 bomb, killing a lot of people and destructing the area.

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Kipdorpbrug 2, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-24)

This simple mural on a temporary shelter of a broken window has a clear message.

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    Sint-Jacobsmarkt 69, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-2: (06-24) 3-4: (07-24)

    Titled: "Mekanik Strip". The façade of this store is decorated with a statue of Spiderman. The store offers a varied range of comics, manga and comic strips, supplemented with related toys and merchandise. Inside a small room, two powerful murals can be admired.

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Sint-Jacobstraat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-24)

Artist: Lieven Segers (Belgium); Posted June 22, 2016. This line was applied by the artist left-handed (and with playful typography) on a wall of a building of the University of Antwerp (the building is called De Meerminne). The phrase refers to the loss of knowledge, but can also refer to the morning after a marital quarrel.

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    Minderbroedersrui 74, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (06-24)

    This painting on the shutter of a window shows a person sitting behind a window. The whole has an angular and cubist feel.

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    Oude Beurs 17, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1: (08-22) 2: (06-24)

    Titled: "We leven allemaal met HIV" (We all live with HIV); artist: Larsen Bervoets (Belgium); Created in May 2018. To raise awareness about HIV, the artist was asked to paint these double murals in the city centre. He depicted a clownish figure removing his makeup to reveal his true self.

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    Lange Riddersstraat 22, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (06-24)

    In the backyard of this house there is a mural depicting pelicans. The artist is not known and the meaning of the painting is not clear.

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    Lange Riddersstraat 22, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (06-24)

    Old and dilapidated murals on these houses were painted years ago on the occasion of a graffiti festival in the neighborhood. These remains are very scarred by weather and vegetation.

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Oudaan 15, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (06-24)

Titled: "Wingman"; artist: Rwina (Belgium); Painted in 2016.

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    Bolivarplaats, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1-5: (06-24) 6: (08-24)

    Artist: unknown; Painted in June 2024. Following the June 9, 2024 elections, the artist has used a famous mural as a source of inspiration to depict the consequences of the election. A text for clarification was added some time later.

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    Kommekensstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (06-24)

    Artist: Charlotte De Cock (Belgium); painted in May 2024. The mural depicts two people in carnival costumes.

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    Lange winkelstraat 44-46, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    A fire-breathing dragon figure was painted on the glass entrance door of this building.

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    Vekestraat 23 - Halfmanengang, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Titled: "Sound Clash"; artist: unknown; painted in 2013. A great mural is located at the entrance of this alley which is protected heritage. Further research is needed.

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Tavernierkaai 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

Titled: "The Antwerp Harbour Girl"; artist: Carla Kamphuis-Meijer (The Netherlands); unveiled in March 2005. This statue was unveiled to commemorate the Antwerp artist Eugeen Van Mieghem.

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    Rouaanse Kaai - Kriekenstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Titled: "DE stripmuur van Joost Swarte" (The comic strip wall of Joost Swarte); created in 2017. The drawings on this building were made by architect F. Mathyssens. They are applied to the exterior facades of the building. They portray different human traits in a humorous way. Several organizations support this action.

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    Hoogstraat 2 - Suikerrui 36, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Artist: Steve Locatelli (Belgium); painted in June 2015. A girl's head adorns one side of this utility box. The other side shows wavy color combinations.

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    Pelgrimstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Artist: Nick Andrews (aka NA) (Belgium); Painted in 2016. The artwork is located on the façade of café "de vagant" at the height of the first floor. The artist uses three basic colours in this work, and black and white. With these colours, he composes the most suitable colours while mixing.

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    Vleminckveld, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1: (10-22) 2: (07-24)

    Titled: "Pastry shutter"; artist: Joachim (Belgium), K. Shit (Belgium); Created on August 10, 2017. On the hatch of the Lints bakery, Joachim and K.Shit painted a nice work of art; Only visible on closing times and Mondays.

  • Antwerpen

Willem Lepelstraat 6, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

This work on an open space in the façade depicts a fishing boat in a surreal way. The nets and the waves are clearly recognizable in the whole.

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    Vrijdagmarkt 1, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Above the entrance of this store is a small painting incorporated into the façade. The painting depicts a Venetian bridge and a Venetian boat.

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    Gierstraat 4, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    The façade, windows and doors of this house are embellished with carved window frames.

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    Pottenbrug 4 - Grote Goddaard, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: 1: (08-22) 2-3: (07-24)

    Titled: "KIM"; artist: Art Mural; Created in August 2021. The mural depicts important figures from Antwerp's cultural life: e.g. van Ostaijen, Elsschot, Claus, Rubens, Brabo, etc.

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Venusstraat 5, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

Titled "the first, the last"; Artist: unknown. Two drawings of horses on a wooden picket fence obstructing access to a work area. The drawings are enchanting in their simplicity.


Jezusstraat 23, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (07-24)

The window frames on the first floor are decorated with characters and fragments of the rich city life of this city. This is also in line with the building's purpose as a university campus.

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    Antwerpen-Centraal station, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (07-24)

    Artist: Geuns Eric (Belgium); commissioned by the NMBS/SNCB (the Belgian railway company). The murals embellish the corridor between the metro station and the train station.

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Verversrui 32, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

Paintings on the wall of this restaurant make it clear which cuisine is served.


Verbondstraat 79, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

.The company's logo is smeared in its full glory on the roller shutter of this branch in this city.

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    Torfbrug, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    The windows on the first floor are painted with religious scenes. Such scenes are also depicted on the beam between the floors. On the ground floor, statues have been placed in front of the windows on the inside.

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Blauwmoezelstraat 8, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

Roses in different colors decorate the entrance door to this hotel.

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    Nationalestraat 113, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    Artist: unknown; painted in 2018. These murals are located in a parking lot that is closed. The murals are not visible from the street. These paintings are related to the activities of the organisation housed in the buildings in front of the car park.

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    Rijke Beukelaarstraat 9, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    The entrance door to this building is painted with an alley. The depth perspective is such that it creates the illusion of a real alley. Even a name for the alley has been painted.

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    Sint-Antoniusstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    This electrical box is painted with various scenes that can be seen on the square nearby. The cat is not missing.

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    Ijzerpoortkaai 8, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    On the beam above the doors are painted scenes related to the activity of the neighborhood in times gone by. Some paintings show the skyline of the city.

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    M HKA, Leuvenstraat 32, 2000 Antwerpen
    datum/date/日期: (08-24)

    Titled: "Hidden treasure"; artist: Keith Haring (USA); painted in 1987. The mural is located in the museum's café on the fourth floor.

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Sleutelstraat 38, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

Angel figures in iron are placed in front of the windows on the upper floors. The design is the same, but the colours differ per floor.


Muntstraat, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

A striking face in white is applied to the façade of this house. The design resembles an ancient Greek mask. The face shields a window.


Mechelseplein, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

This utility box is painted with pigeon figures, which are the logo of a beer brand brewed in the city.


Sint-Andries kerk, Waai straat 1, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

The small concrete pillars are encased in a woolen garment that is specially made for them. These may have been installed to protect passing cars from abrasion damage.


Sint-Jansvliet, 2000 Antwerpen
datum/date/日期: (08-24)

Artist: Roger Van Akelijen (Belgium). This plaque was painted on the occasion of a football tournament. It depicts a red devil and thus refers to the Belgian national football team. Originally, it was hung in the sports café, but it is not clear why it is on the street.